The Director of Education reports directly to the Board of Trustees. He also works in cooperation with Executive Council in leading the school system, policy development and review, and to ensure the goals of the Strategic Plan are being achieved. For details on Executive Council organizational chart please click here.

Scott Johnson
Director of Education
The Director of Education is ultimately responsible for all activities within the Catholic Education Centre, at all schools and other Board facilities. Of course, no one person could be closely involved in the activities of over 1,000 employees in approximately 31 buildings. The day to day details are directed and supervised by the principals and managers. However, it is important that the Director of Education articulate philosophical directions for the system that are consistent with the Board's Mission and Vision and with the annual goals that have been set. In this regard, the Director of Education welcomes input from any employee of this Board who might have a concern or a suggestion for improving our processes and the way we work together.
Within the Director of Education's Office, you can reach Morgan Stallaert, Executive Assistant to the Director of Education at 519-627-6762 extension 10240. Morgan handles the daily tasks associated with the Director of Education's Office as well as Administrators meetings, Ad Hoc Committee meetings, Trustees, and Board issues.
Leah Cabral, Communications and Community Relations Supervisor is responsible for a number of areas which support the Director of Education and which includes community and media relations. The Director works with Todd, and provincial organizations such as the Ontario Catholic School Trustees' Association (OCSTA), to promote and proclaim Catholic education, both within the St. Clair district and across the province. The mission of the Board, and of Catholic education, is to deliver quality Catholic education to our students in welcoming and faith-centered learning environments. That mission is described more fully in the OCSTA brochure Ontario's Publicly Funded Catholic Schools.
Ultimately, the Director of Education's role within this Board is one of service. It is his responsibility to support and direct staff in bringing excellent Catholic education to our schools and students. Indeed, all staff embrace the concept of service, in keeping with the vision and mission of St. Clair Catholic.