Online courses and resources are available to secondary students, providing them with more opportunities to succeed. eLearning allows students to customize their learning plans to fit their education goals. See your Guidance Counselor for more details about what courses are being offered.
eLearning Graduation Requirements:
Students in Grade 9 or younger in the 2021-2022 school year require a minimum of two eLearning credits to graduate. Students in Grade 10 or older in the 2021-2022 school year require a minimum of one eLearning credit to graduate.
Students can opt-out of this requirement by contacting their guidance counselor.
A successful online learner is:
- self-motivated and self-disciplined
- a self-directed learner
- a goal setter who can meet deadlines
- an effective communicator through writing
- open-minded about sharing work and educational experiences as part of the learning process
- highly motivated
- comfortable using computers and the internet (with reliable access)
- familiar with basic computer skills including: word processing skills, copying/pasting, e-mailing with file attachments, internet navigation
Enrollment Registers for Secondary Schools indicate: "Where a pupil participates in an eLearning course at any time during a week (Monday-Friday), the pupil shall be marked present in the course for the entire week. Where a pupil does not participate in the course during a week (Monday-Friday), the pupil shall be marked absent in the course for the week."
Attendance is based on some form of active participation, such as:
- contributing to a threaded discussion
- completing an assignment
- appropriate communication with your eLearning teacher
Be sure to verify with your teacher to determine how your attendance will be marked.
St Clair Catholic is a proud member of:

For more information about SCCDSB's eLearning program, please contact the eLearning contact.
St. Clair Catholic District School Board students may take one credit (except for summer co-op, which may be taken for two credits) during the summer semester. Please talk to your counselor if you are considering upgrading a mark or taking a new course this summer.
Courses offered by the St. Clair Catholic District School Board and others in the Summer of 2022 will be posted in April-May.
Please speak with your Guidance Counselor for information about registering for these or other courses in the summer semester.
Student orientation will take place online or in school in June. Further details about summer courses will be posted when available.
Students: to access your course, even if it's offered by another school board, go to Use your usual username (firstname.lastname###) and your network password.
A few words of advice for students considering summer school:
- Time management is critical.
You're squeezing five months worth of work into 4 weeks. Expect to spend an average of 4-5 hours each day working on your course. If you are working, volunteering, etc. this summer consider scaling back on those activities during the course, especially during the first week. That way you can get a better sense of the course's demands.
- Message your teacher if you run into trouble.
Expect a short delay in their response. Teachers will be online every week day but their schedule may not line up with yours.
- Use Full Screen when reading the course content.
It's a small thing, but it will make using the site much easier.
- Read the Course Overview
Students taking courses through SCCDSB with an exam MUST report to either St. Patrick's or UCC to write it. Students taking summer courses with exams through other school boards are also welcome write in either St. Patrick's or UCC. Make arrangements with your teacher or the SCCDSB eLearning Contact.
Should you require any support during the summer, please contact:
- Your Teacher - for any questions related to the course, such as help with assignments
Do not contact your counselor, they may not be monitoring their email.
St Clair Catholic is a proud member of:
The St. Clair Catholic DSB promotes the use of Blended Learning in its classrooms, from JK-12. Our students have access to the Provincial Learning Management System (LMS) and over 27000 resources in the Ontario Education Resource Bank (OERB) in the classroom and at home. Our teachers are able to complement and enhance good teaching practice in the traditional classroom using digital resources, guiding our students toward being responsible 21st century learners.
What is Blended Learning and how does it benefit students and teachers?
Blended Learning is a combination – or blend – of face-to-face and online learning. In Ontario, Blended Learning may be conducted through the provincial LMS, where students and teachers have access to:
- Provincially-developed content (i.e., secondary courses, elementary course packages, multimedia activities).
- Communication tools, such as the blog, pager, discussions, news, schedule, and e-mail tools.
- Assessment tools, such as dropboxes, quizzes, and surveys.
Blended learning Overview

- pdf
For more information about SCCDSB's Blended Learning program, please contact the eLearning Contact.

Ontario Educational Resource Bank (OERB) - As Ontario's learning object repository, the OERB offers a growing number of online resources to teachers and students, from JK to 12, at no cost. There are thousands of resources, including units, lesson plans, activities, maps, and interactive learning resources.