Credible Mental Health Sources & Websites


  • Casel: to help make evidence-based social and emotional learning (SEL) an integral part of education from preschool through high school


Evidence Based Research



Mental Health and Wellbeing Supports Provided by SCCDSB

We all want our children to feel mentally well, grow up happy, and learn how to navigate life’s challenges. It’s not always easy to know what to do. We’re here to help!

Our team consists of social workers, child & youth workers, attendance counsellors, and a heath promoter who focus on mental wellbeing rather than only on mental illness. Our team is available for wellbeing check-ins and to provide clinical counselling with students throughout the school year. SCCDSB staff also work in collaboration with community agencies to respond to student needs for mental health support.


*If you are a student or caregiver seeking mental health support, please text 226-402-1593 or you can self-refer for wellbeing supports. The self-referral form can be found here. 






All elementary students are learning SOCIAL EMOTIONAL SKILLS through an evidence-based neuroscience program called MindUP. You can learn more about this program by watching this video created by researchers at Western University. Check out these parent resources that will help you understand what your child is learning about in MindUP and how you can extend their learning and skill-building at home with fun ideas to promote resilience, healthy relationships, and coping strategies!

St. Clair Child & Youth Services 519-337-3701 Linck (Chatham Kent Children’s Services) 519-352-0440
Canadian Mental Health Association 519-337-5411 (youth over age 14) ACCESS Open Minds Youth Wellness Hub (519) 437-6329
Lambton Mental Health Crisis Service 519-336-3445 or 1-800-307-4319 Mental Health & Addictions Program 519-351-6144
St. Joseph’s Hospice 519-337-0537 Chatham-Kent Hospice (Grief and Bereavement Support) 519-354-3113
Children’s Aid Society 519-336-0623 Family Services Kent 519-354-6221
Family Counselling Centre 519-336-0120 or 1-800-831-3031 CK Public Health Unit 519-352-7270
Sarnia-Lambton Rebound 519-344-2841 Humana Community Services Crisis Line (WAYS) 519-354-4095
Bluewater Health Hospital 519-464-4400 Humana Community Services (WAYS) 519-354-2065
Child & Youth Crisis Line - Family Counselling Centre 1-833-622-1320 Chatham Kent Health Alliance (Hospital) 519-352-6401 ext. 6106 
Distress Line 519-336-3000 or 1-888-347-8737 CMHA Crisis Line 1-866-299-7447
Lambton County Addictions Services 519-464-4400 x5370  

Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868

Human Trafficking Hotline 1-833-900-1010 or

Indigenous Hope for Wellness Help Line 1-855-242-3310

Black Youth Helpline 1-833-294-8650