John Van Heck, Chair of the Board

John Van Heck Click to Email John Van Heck

Chair of the Board


Representing the following North Chatham-Kent (Dover Township, Chatham Township, Dresden) and Wallaceburg area schools: Christ the King Catholic School, Holy Family Catholic School, St. Elizabeth Catholic School

David Argenti, Trustee

David Argenti Click to Email David Argenti

Vice Chair of the Board


Representing the following Chatham schools: Georges P. Vanier Catholic School, Monsignor Uyen Catholic School, St. Angela Merici Catholic School, St. Ursula Catholic School, Ursuline College Chatham Catholic Secondary School

Mat Roop, Vice Chair of the Board

Mat Roop Click to Email Mat Roop



Representing the schools of the following areas: Brooke-Alvinston Township, Enniskillen Township, Oil Springs Village, Petrolia Town, Plympton-Wyoming Town, North Lambton, Warwick Township, Lambton Shores: St. John Fisher Catholic School, Holy Rosary Catholic School, St. Peter Canisius Catholic School, St. Philip Catholic School

Jann Tooshkenig - Trustee

Jann Tooshkenig Click to Email Jann Tooshkenig



Representing the following East Chatham-Kent (Ridgetown, Highgate, Thamesville, Bothwell, Zone, Camden, Howard, Orford), St. Clair Township and Dawn-Euphemia Township schools: Good Shepherd Catholic School, Sacred Heart Catholic School (Port Lambton), St. Joseph Catholic School (Corunna), St. Michael Catholic School (Ridgetown)

Jennifer McCann - Trustee

Jennifer McCann Click to Email Jennifer McCann



Representing the following Sarnia and Point Edward Village area schools: Gregory A. Hogan Catholic School, Holy Trinity Catholic School, Sacred Heart Catholic School (Sarnia), St. Anne Catholic School (Sarnia), St. Matthew Catholic School, St. Michael Catholic School (Bright’s Grove), St. Patrick Catholic High School

Brenda Rumble, Trustee

Brenda Rumble Click to Email Brenda Rumble



Representing the following West Chatham-Kent (Wheatley, Tilbury, Tilbury East, Romney) and South Chatham-Kent (Raleigh, Harwich, Blenheim, Erie Beach, Erieau) area schools: St. Anne Catholic School (Blenheim), St. Joseph Catholic School (Tilbury)

Linda Ward, Trustee

Linda Ward Click to Email Linda Ward



Representing the following Sarnia and Point Edward Village area schools: Gregory A. Hogan Catholic School, Holy Trinity Catholic School, Sacred Heart Catholic School (Sarnia), St. Anne Catholic School (Sarnia), St. Matthew Catholic School, St. Michael Catholic School (Bright’s Grove), St. Patrick Catholic High School

Rev. John Jasica, Board Chaplain

Rev. John Jasica

Board Chaplain

Providing spiritual guidance and support to the Board of Trustees.

Layla Hashim, Student Trustee

Layla Hashim

Student Trustee 2024 - 2025

Ursuline College Chatham Catholic Secondary School “The Pines”
85 Grand Ave W., Chatham
(519) 351-2987

Representing secondary students for the St. Clair Catholic District School Board: Ursuline College Chatham Catholic Secondary School.

Click here for Student Trustee Reports.

Matt Moss, Student Trustee

Matt Moss

Student Trustee 2023 - 2024

St. Patrick's Catholic High School
1001 The Rapids Parkway, Sarnia
(519) 332-3976

Representing secondary students for the St. Clair Catholic District School Board:  St. Patrick's Catholic High School

Click here for Student Trustee Reports.






The Board compiles a registry of conflict of interest declarations from Trustees.

The registry is held by the Director of Education/Secretary of the Board and is available to the public upon request at the Catholic Education Centre during regular business hours.