St. Patrick's Catholic High School

1001 The Rapids Parkway
Sarnia, Ontario N7S 6K2

Phone: 519-332-3976 Fax: 519-383-7024

June 1999

Be it enacted as the Constitution of the School Council as follows:

Article 1 Name:

The name of this Association shall be the ST. PATRICK′S HIGH SCHOOL COUNCIL in the City of Sarnia, Ontario.

Article 2 Vision Statement:

Parents, teachers, students and advocates of the School working hand in hand to support our school and community in the preparation of students for life′s challenges.

Article 3 Mission:

To enhance the quality of education through information and involvement of parents, teachers and students of St. Patrick′s High School.

Article 4 Goals:

4.1 To join the spiritual and educational members of the home, school, church and community in a program that is most beneficial to the student.

4.2 To work together in building a school community.

4.3 To offer information programs of particular interest to parents and/or teachers.

4.4 To encourage community involvement in the education, protection and well-being of our adolescents.

4.5 To act as advisors to the School, the Board, Senior Administration and the Ministry of Education and Training with regard to policy, procedures and direction.

4.6 To act as advisors in the area of the school year; curriculum and programme development; hiring and performance review of teachers, principals, vice-principals and other school staff; school budgets and school policies and other matters as they are raised by members of the council.

4.7 To foster good relations among parents, students, staff and the local community.

4.8 To be a voice for Catholic education in the local community.

Article 5 Membership:

School Council: Any parent/guardian of a student enrolled at St. Patrick′s High School is eligible for membership.

Article 6 School Council Structure:

6.1 The School Council will be led by an association which will be made up of:

> 10 Parents

> 2 Teacher representatives

> 1 School Administrator (Principal or Vice-Principal)

> 2 Students from the Student Body

1 Non-Teaching staff member

> Up to 4 Community Members

School Council (General Membership) Meetings

6.2 General Membership meetings of the School Council will be held as required, but at least once per year. At these meetings, any parent/guardian or council member may participate.

6.3 General membership meetings will be chaired by the Chairperson or his/her delegate.

Article 7 Council Meetings:

7.1 The Council will meet monthly from September to June, or as otherwise determined by the Council.

7.1.1 The Council meetings will be chaired by the Chairperson or his/her delegate.

7.1.2 Decisions of the Council in general will be arrived at by consensus.

7.1.3 All members shall have a vote if a vote is required.

7.1.4 The Chairperson shall not vote except to break a tie.

7.2 The Council′s meetings will be open to the general association, who may observe them, and may participate in discussions at the discretion of the chairperson.

Article 8 Elections:

8.1 New parent members must be elected or appointed annually to a ONE year term. Appointed members and volunteer members of the Council may serve three one year terms. The Principal is excepted from this regulation.

8.2 A Nominating Committee consisting of the Past Chairperson and two other council members will be responsible for soliciting parent representatives, as candidates, prior to the General Membership meeting at which the elections will be held. This meeting will take place not later than June 30th of each school year. The new members will assume their duties in September or earlier at the Council′s discretion.

8.3 Nominations from the floor will also be accepted at this meeting.

8.4 The Principal is appointed by the School Board.

8.5 The election of members to the Council shall occur not later than June 30th of each school year.

8.6 Elections must be organized by the retiring Council and the school Principal in a way that will ensure that all parents and staff members have an opportunity to vote for their representatives.

8.7 Arrangements must be made for the parent voting to occur in a variety of ways including ballots distributed to the homes, and at School Open House nights. Voting should occur over a specified period of days.

8.8 Teacher representatives will be elected annually by the teaching staff.

8.9 Non-Teaching members will be elected by non-teaching staff of the school.

8.10 Secondary student representatives will be elected/appointed by the Student Council executive.

8.11 Should a vacancy occur on the Council, the Council shall invite the first runner-up in the election process to fill the vacant position for the unexpired term. If unsuccessful, Council shall solicit in the school community for volunteers. If unsuccessful, Council will appoint a new member.

8.12 Community representatives shall be appointed in consultation with the whole Council. The final decision shall be of the voting members of the Council.

Article 9 Council Procedures:

9.1 Each year at the 1st meeting after elections, the Council shall elect a parent member to serve as Chairperson.

9.2 Each year at the 1st meeting after elections, the Council shall elect a parent member to serve as Secretary.

9.3 Each year at the 1st meeting after elections, the Council shall elect TWO parent members to serve as Parent/Board Liaison Members.

9.4 Council shall determine its relationship with the school′s existing parent-school link(s).

9.5 Council will establish a meeting schedule and publicise these dates.

9.6 Council will prepare a set of operational bylaws to guide its′ activities.

9.7 Minutes of Council meeting will be recorded, maintained and be available.

9.8 Council may establish committees to carry out specific functions and will seek widespread participation in these activities.

9.9 Council will operate in a manner that is non-judgmental, is based on no-fault discussions and uses consensus and compromise as the usual method for developing recommendations and plans.

9.10 Council will inform the general school and parent community of its′ action through newsletters, special meetings or activities.

9.11 Council shall respond to referral from the Board and report on its′ activities if requested by the Board/Ministry of Education and Training.

9.12 Any elected member who misses 2 consecutive meetings without prior notification shall be replaced by the next candidate holding the most votes.

Article 10 Duties of Officers:

10.1 Chairperson

The Duties of the Chairperson shall be:

1. To chair Council meetings
2. To represent the School Council at functions.
3. To prepare the agenda for each meeting and to forward it to Council members seven days prior to that meeting
4. To designate duties as required

10.2 Secretary

The Duties of the Secretary shall be:

1. To record the proceedings of meetings.
2. To arrange for the reproduction and distribution of copies of the meeting minutes.
3. To attend to correspondence.

10.3 Past Chairperson:

The Duties of the Past Chairperson shall be:

1. To extend the benefit of his/her experience to the Chairperson and other members of the Council.
2. To chair the Nominating Committee and to be the Elections Officer.
3. To co-ordinate the editing and updating of the Constitution.

10.4 Principal:

The Duties of the Principal shall be:

1. To take an active part in the general duties of the School Council.
2. To act as a staff liaison.
3. To serve in an advisory capacity

10.5 Teacher Representatives:

The Duties of the Teacher Representative(s) shall be:

1. To take an active part in the general duties of the School Council.
2. To act as a staff liaison.
3. To serve in an advisory capacity.

Article 11 Quorum:

For Council meetings, fifty (50) percent plus 1 of the Council shall constitute a quorum.

Article 12 Conflict of Interest:

No Council member shall place him/herself in a position where there is a conflict of interest between their duties on the council and their other interests. If a member has a conflict of interest on any matter of the council, the conflict should be declared as soon as possible after the start of the meeting at which the conflict arises. This should be noted in the minutes, and the person in conflict should not take part in any discussion of, or vote on the matter.

Article 13 Amendments to the Constitution:

13.1 Propose amendments to the Constitution shall be made available to members of the Council at least 10 days prior to a General Membership meeting.

13.2 Proposed amendments to the Constitution require two-thirds majority of members attending the General Membership meeting.

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