St. Patrick's Catholic High School

1001 The Rapids Parkway
Sarnia, Ontario N7S 6K2

Phone: 519-332-3976 Fax: 519-383-7024

 The aims of the French Immersion Program are to develop and refine students' ability to communicate in French and to expand their knowledge of the structure of the French language as well as francophone literature. By the end of the four-year program students will be able to participate in conversations and discussions; will generally be able to take courses at the college or university level in which French is the language of instruction, and may be able to accept employment wherein French is the working language.

Students enrolled in the French Immersion program at St. Patrick's Catholic High School will qualify for a French Immersion Certificate upon graduation provided they have attained successful standing in a minimum of 10 courses taught in French (four in Français and six other subjects taught in French)


Students will be required to take the following courses:

Grade 9 

Enseignement religieux (HRE 1OF) 

Français (FIF 1D) 

Geopgraphie (CGC 1DF)

Grade 10 

Education à la citoyennete (CHV 2OF) 

Enseignement religieux (HRE 2OF) 

Exploration des choix de carrier (GLC 2OF) 

Français (FIF2D) 

Histoire (CHC 2DF)

Grade 11 

Français (FIF 3U) 

Les grandes religions du monde (HRT 3MF)

Grade 12 

Français (FIF 4U)

CLICK HERE for course requirements 


CLICK HERE for more information