St. Patrick's Catholic High School

1001 The Rapids Parkway
Sarnia, Ontario N7S 6K2

Phone: 519-332-3976 Fax: 519-383-7024

Recently, the Ontario Government has re-shaped the OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program) which provides financial aid to help students pay for college or university

Please see the link below that will take you directly to the OSAP website where you will find all the information you require to process an application.   There is also a calculator which allows students to quickly predict the possible supports available to them.

We strongly encourage all families to review the Ontario Student Assistance Program and consider applying, under the new program design.

OSAP Information

Please follow the link below for the Ontario Student Assistance Application Portal

Important Notice from Ontario University Application Centre (OUAC)

Click Here

Important Information for the Graduating Class 

During the Spring, Guidance Counsellors will meet with Gr. 12 Graduates to remind them of the necessary forms and tasks that they must complete in order to participate in Graduation. Students will receive two (2) forms. Copies of these forms can be found below.


Graduation Form

School Leaving Form

Community Hours Form

College and University Application Information

-University application PIN's and handouts will be available in November.  See your Counsellor in Student Services. 

The online application is located at:

-Students who are applying to College should also see their Counsellor for college application information and handouts. 

In order for students to complete their online college application, Students will need their OEN (Ontario Education Number) which can be found on their timetables and report cards.

The online application is located at:


WHO: ALL graduating students Photo package purchase NOT required