Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Games Club is back! Tuesday nights starting November 30 in room 103 from 2:30 until 4. Love a game?..... bring it with you! Bring some friends too and plan to conquer the world. Come to room 103 next Tuesday!

Today the grade 11 students and some grade 12 students will be writing the OSSLT. We ask all students in the building to be mindful when walking down the hallways today. They will be focusing hard and the best way to show your lancer support is to keep quiet in the halls. We wish all of the students participating in the OSSLT the very best of luck.

In support of the Life-Skills program, students have made bracelets to represent the Fruits of the Spirit. All proceeds and funds will go towards the Life-Skills room. There are 6 different bracelets representing: Joy, Love, Gentleness, Kindness, Faithfulness and Patience. All staff and students can purchase bracelets on School-Cash Online. Email Ms. Bos or Mr. Teeuwen if you have any questions.

To all girls trying out for the girls hockey team, we will be back on the ice on Wednesday at Memorial Arena. Tryouts will run from 230-4, please arrange for a ride to and from the arena. If you have any questions, reach out to Mr. Wright, Mr. King or Ms. Balkwill. See you there!

A reminder to the boys hockey team. Please review the list outside the gym doors. We have our second tryout this Thursday from 3-4 at Thames Campus Arena. For any questions please find Mr. McCabe or Mr. Mallette.