Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Last Call for Grade 12 Grad wear! Hey Grade 12 Lancers, if you missed purchasing your grad wear the first round, here's your last chance to order some! The site will stay open for 1 week only.

All Specialist High Skills Major Arts and Culture students, please return your permission forms to Mrs Lacina or Mrs Seliga by the end of the week to guarantee your seat. If you have not picked up your permission form yet, please see Mrs Lacina or Mrs Seliga in 915 or 918.

A resounding round of applause goes out to the grade 11 and grade 12 drama students for their outstanding production of Just Another High School Play. Congrats to Ryan T and Samantha W for their work as the plays directors, congrats to all actors on stage and all students in the booth - your dedication and talent made for an outstanding show! Bravo!

Good morning all you snowy Lancers! The rosary will still be prayed today in the chapel at lunch. There may be less of us, but our prayer still makes a difference! All staff and students are invited.

Due to bus cancellations, Science help will not be running after school today.