Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Just a reminder to grade 12 students, Lancer Award Applications are due this Wednesday, June 7.

Happy Tuesday Lancers! Today is the second day of multiculturalism week and today we will be touring Asia. There are so many beautiful countries to get to know! Starting off with our first fact from India. Did you know that India is the birthplace of yoga? This is a physical and spiritual discipline focused on bringing harmony. Not to mention that "Namaste" is a common greeting in India which means "greeting to you" and “wholeness”. Now traveling to China! I scream, you scream, we all scream for Ice cream! Ice cream was first introduced in China. Next up is the Philippines! In the Philippines they celebrate Christmas starting in September! This is the longest celebration of Christmas in the world. Next we travel to the Dead Sea located in the middle east. It has the lowest elevation and lowest body of water on the surface of Earth. Our final destination is Japan! In Japan it is custom to honor the elderly by serving them first and providing them with drinks. Thank you for joining in on the trip across Asia! Tomorrow we will be exploring Europe and Africa! Don't forget to stop by the booth near the cafeteria this week!

LKSAA and SWOSSAA champs Sam L and Mary B made the trek to Toronto for OFSAA Tennis yesterday. The ladies faced some tough competition in the first game just barely losing out during a 7-7 tie break and held their own during their second match. Unfortunately, they just barely lost the second match during a close game. You played some fantastic games this season ladies! Mr. Evans and Mr. Biskey are very proud of you!

Attention to those interested in playing UCC Football in September - the second lift test will take place Tuesday, June 13 immediately after school in the weight room. If you have played, haven't played or know someone who should be playing - help spread the word. The time to get on the train is now.