Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

  1. STUDENTS: Nominate yourself or another graduate.

STAFF: Nominate one of this year’s graduates

There are updated QR codes that bring you to the responder's link. If you have tried without success already, please try again.

Pink Lemonade is back! End the school year with a refreshing drink from Lancer Brew. Get an Iced Coffee for $2.00 or a Pink Lemonade for only $1.50. Thank you from Life Skills for all your support this year Lancers.

Eclectic Java Coffee House is back one more time this year. This Wednesday at 7pm outside in front of the main office. A fun night to listen to some great live music.

Last week UCC celebrated its second annual Multiculturalism Week - a huge thank you to all who participated by representing your cultural heritage and having fun. United Alliance is proud to announce the diversity within our school, we have a strong representation from South Asia, the Caribbeans, North America, Western and Eastern Europe, West and East Africa, Central and South America. What an eclectic representation within our halls! As an added bonus, out of everyone that entered their cultural heritage ONE person was chosen to win a Starbucks gift card, the winner of the multiculturalism week draw is DREW RUMBLE! come down to the main office to get your prize. Congratulations Drew.

The cast and crew of Matilda are invited to watch the video production of one of the performances starting at 2:30 on Wed. The show will run until just before 6pm

The clothing drive donations have been tallied and the results are in!

In third place, Ms. Moretto's class with 39 items! In second place, with 70 items is Mr. Foster's class! And in FIRST PLACE is Ms Sanford's class with 89 items! Way to go! Teachers of winning classes, you will be emailed about your prize. Thank you everyone who participated in the Rainbow Alliance clothing drive and congratulations to the winning classes!

10 months of Lancer athletics are almost in the books. For those who have purchased an athletic banquet ticket a reminder that the doors will open at five with supper to be served shortly after. The goal will be to be in the theatre by 6 o’clock in order for the awards to start on time. Please tell your parents if they choose to come for the awards only to go directly to the theater. For any other questions, please ask in the Phys Ed office.