Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

There are Student Accident Insurance forms available for all students.  Please come to the main office to pick them up.

Any girls (grades 9 thru 12) interested in trying out for the UCC Golf team are reminded to sign up today and tomorrow outside of room 401.

Attention grade 9 students who ordered spirit wear - please come to the TUCC shop today at the beginning of lunch to pick up your T's and hoodies!

Any student who has applied for dual credit this semester, please stop by the coop office room 107 during your lunch today.  If you are interested in taking dual credit this semester come to the coop office at lunch.

Do you love to take photographs? Are you interested in graphic design? If you are, come out to the first yearbook club meeting of the year next Monday. We will meet in the communications room - room 808. Hope to see you there!

Any students interested in being involved in Christmas in Muskoka are invited to attend a short meeting after school on Tuesday in the drama room. If you are interested, but cannot attend the meeting, please see Ms. Mitchell in room 202.

Any student athletes that have transferred to UCC from another high school and wish to play varsity sports are asked to see Mr. Denomy this week in the PE office for Transfer Details.  The first transfer meeting is early September and it is imperative to get the process started early to become eligible.

Cheerleading tryouts are on Tuesday, September 10 at 6:30 am in the gym.

All Fall Varsity tryout information for all teams can be found on the gym door including many junior teams for Grade 9 & 10's.  

The Pedagape club will start up next Monday. If you are interested in joining, or returning, please stop by room 919 after school. If you feel called to spread kindness throughout our school and community, please stop by on Monday.

There will be Jr Girls basketball tryouts starting Wednesday from 2:30-4pm and on Thursday from 5:30-7pm.  If you cannot make it and wish to tryout, please see Mr. Culverwell in Rm 103 or Mrs. Lucarelli in Rm 909.

Interested in greening our school? Come on out to the Greenhouse Club, starting Monday, Sept 9th, 2:30-3:30 in the greenhouse. Let's work together to make a change!

Hello beautiful singers of UCC! There will be a choir practice on Thursday September 5th in room 816 after school! New members welcome as well! Anyone with a singing voice can show up to this rehearsal on Thursday, after school in room 816!

Cross Country starts Monday September 9th. We will meet in room 602 for a short meeting followed by a run after.

Dress down day tickets are now available on School Cash Online. Pay $15 to participate in each dress down day this year. No toonies will be accepted.

Tennis tryouts start this Monday after school at the Tecumseh Elementary School Courts.  All grades welcome.  Equipment can be provided.  Sign up list is outside the Phys Ed Office.  See Mr. Evans if you have further questions.

Junior Boys soccer tryouts will run Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week- September 9th, 10th and 11th - 2:30-4:00 on the upper field. See Mr. Kalp or Mr. Wright with any concerns.

Looking to get some Volunteer hours?  The Terry Fox Run is ;looking for volunteers to help run this years event on Sunday Sept 15th.  Volunteers are asked to arrive by 9 am at the Pavilion near the Children's Treatment Centre Soccer field.  Volunteers will help Marshal the course and run water stations. You can expect to be done by approximately 11:30.  If interested please sign up on the page located on the Main gym doors by Sept 11th. Any questions see Mr. Culverwell in 103.


Hamburger (4oz) $3.99

Fries $3.00

Poutine $4.75

Salads, sandwiches, cookies & muffins

Homemade Pizza $3.60

Special requests available however sufficient notice is required!