Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Tonight is the Gr. 9 Parent Night!  This is your chance to bring your parents back to school to meet your teachers and visit your classrooms. The evening will begin in the Theatre at 7:00 p.m. for a short presentation. From there you will be invited to take your parents to visit your classrooms and meet your teachers.  We will finish the evening with refreshments in the cafeteria.

Guitar ensemble auditions are today after school in Room 921.

Attention all artists! Art club will have their first official meeting on Tuesday, September 24 in room 920 after school. Everyone is welcome!! There will be a small $5 fee paid thru cash online. We will be working on decorations for the academic assembly and experimenting with Gelli Prints!!! Hope to see you there. 

Cosmo club...Cosmo club...Cosmo club...if you are interested in learning about techniques in braiding, manicuring, henna tattooing, make-up, and skincare, then Cosmo Club is for you. All grades are welcome to join!  See you on Monday Sept. 16 in room 918.

Do you like the game show Jeopardy?  Do you like trivia?  Maybe the Reach for the Top team is for you.  We compete against other schools in Lambton and Kent counties.  The Junior team starts practising Tuesday, September 17 and the Senior team starts practising Thursday, September 19 in Room 605.  See Mr. Broadbent or Mr. Estoesta for more information.

Attention all Gaming fans. Looking to compete competitively with your friends or sit back and play some Retro games on a  Nintendo 64? Esports will be starting up this Friday the 13th in the Communications Room, Room 808 right after school until 4:30. New members are always welcome. Please email Mr. Teeuwen if you have any questions. 

The first dress down day is at the end of the month! Tickets are now available on School Cash Online for $15.  No cash or toonies will be accepted.

Are you a graduating student planning to go to college or university next year? Ontario's colleges and universities will be visiting UCC all through September, October and November. Post-secondary shopping season starts this Wednesday with a visit from Lakehead University and visits from Western, Ryerson and Brock beginning next week. For more information or to sign up for these presentations visit the Guidance office today.

The Life skills class will be selling popcorn on Tuesdays and Thursdays outside of the cafeteria for $0.50 a bag.

With the start up of so many clubs, Enviro club will move its meeting days to Thursdays starting today.  Come on out to the greenhouse from 2:30-3:30 and help green our school community! 


Chicken Parmesan Sandwich with salad or fries or cookie & small drink $5.99

Chicken Parmesan Sandwich $6.00

Chicken Burger with salad or fries or cookie & small drink $5.99

Chicken Burger $4.30

Hamburger (4oz) $3.99

Salads, sandwiches, cookies, bagels, muffins

Homemade Pizza $3.60