The UCC Wellness Team is meeting again on Tuesday November 22 after school in room 201. Hope to see you there!
Tonight is the night! UCC's senior semi-formal is here! If you haven't picked up your Semi-formal ticket yet, your last chance to do so is between classes or on your lunch from room 915. Please remember to bring cash to purchase chips/pop/pizza at the venue. All students MUST bring their ticket and a piece of photo ID, otherwise they will not gain entry. Names on the list will be checked at the door. See you there!
Attention: Grade 12 Graduating Students. Brock University will be making a presentation on Wednesday November 23rd. Please come to Guidance to sign up!
Did you hear that amazing choir at the remembrance day assembly? They sure sounded great! If you could see yourself up there singing then please come out TONIGHT to join the UCC Choir. Rehearsal is at 2:30 in room 921. If you have any questions see Mr. Zimmer. See you tonight for rehearsal!
Attention: Grade 12 Graduating Students Are you looking for a unique educational experience? Bader College from the UK will be at The Pines on Tuesday November 22nd. Bader is associated with Queen's University which is the only university in Canada where students can complete their first year of studies overseas – in a historic 15th century castle in East Sussex, in the UK ! For further information, sign up in Guidance.
The Junior Boys Basketball team will begin tryouts next week on Monday, November 21st at 4:00pm. Be sure to have clean shoes and a water bottle. Please come changed and ready to work hard! If you have any questions, please see Mr. Jones or Mr. Rupert.
Curling tryouts start this Friday, November 18th. If you are interested in trying out please sign up by scanning the QR codes located on the “Lancer News” boards. Tryouts will take place at the Chatham Granite Club at 2:30. Please bring clean running shoes. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Houston or Mr. Whyte.
Thank you to all the junior girls who came out for volleyball tryouts last night! You all worked very hard! The first round of cuts have been posted just outside the gym doors in the main hallway. If your name is on the list, please come to another set of tryouts tonight at 2:30pm! Awesome job girls!
Come try out for the wrestling team. Practices are in the cafeteria Monday through Thursday after school. Come with a water bottle, work out gear and a willingness to work hard.
The Junior Boys Basketball Team will begin tryouts on Monday, November 21st at 4:00pm. Please find the QR code posted on the bulletin boards in the main hallway to sign up before tryouts. Bring a clean pair of shoes and a water bottle. If you have any questions, see Mr. Jones or Mr. Rupert.