Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Attention gr.11 and 12's! The Dodgeball tournament has been changed to per.4 on Thursday Oct. 27th. Repeat: the Dodgeball tournament is not on Friday, it is this Thursday Oct.27th. Last day to sign up is today at lunch in the cafeteria. See you then!

The Senior Boys Volleyball Team went a perfect 11-0 on Saturday winning their Lancer Invitational tournament. Players of the tournament were Ethan V, Carter P, Tyler C and Alex C.

Games Club running tonight in room 103 - 2:30-4:00. Hope to see you there!

Today is election day in Chatham-Kent. Students will be around to conduct the student vote this morning. That's Period 1 for grade 9-10 and period 2 for grade 11-12.

ATTENTION GRADS! The Yearbook Club wants your BABY PICS and YEARBOOK QUOTES! We are asking that they be submitted by NOVEMBER 15. Both can be sent through email to Mrs. Haines or they can be dropped off in Mrs. Hashim’s classroom, Room 607. Make sure your name is on both and please try to keep your quotes short and sweet! LOOK FOR THE POSTERS IN THE HALLS

Our Junior Girls Basketball team made their way to the Consolation playing at the Pete Howard Tournament this weekend in London. The girls fought hard against the East Elgin Eagles. They executed well down the stretch, but could not close the gap, losing a tight game by 4. Their coaches continue to be impressed by their fighting spirit. League play continues this week with the girls traveling to Northern on Tuesday.

What do the following celebrities have in common? Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson, Tom Cruise, Ashton Kutcher, Chris Farley, Howie Mandel among many others. They all wrestled in high school! So if you want to become famous, you should try out for the UCC wrestling team! Meet in the caf after school Monday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. See Mr. Parent in 306 if you have questions.

The senior Girls basketball team went 2-1 on the weekend, defeating Saint Andre Bissette & East Elgin before falling to St. Pat’s in the semi’s. Despite some injuries, the squad battled every game & made valuable contributions. Olivia A & the Stokes were a force in the paint while Sierra L had a 22 point game vs. St. Pat’s. Great work team.

The junior football team beat LCCVI 46-7 in front of their homecoming crowd Friday. Players of the game were Jaxen B, Sawyer E and Jayden B. The boys close out the regular season Friday at St. Pat's. Go Blue!

Tomorrow after school the junior boys host the LKSSAA soccer final at our school at 4pm. Come on out and support the boys as they take on Sarnia Northern for the LKSSAA crown. Gooo Lancers!

The junior boys volleyball team played in the junior/senior Lancer invitational tournament on Saturday here at UCC. The team went 8-1 in pool play, facing teams from CKSS, St. Pat's and Essex. The boys battled hard in the finals and competed against St. Pat's, sweeping them in 2 straight sets and winning the tournament. The team would like to thank Mr. Denomy and all the scorekeepers for your help in making the day a success. Great job boys - Mr. Jones and Mrs. Sanford are proud of you!

Attention: Grade 12 Graduating Students. Representatives from Trent University will be at Ursuline College next week. If you wish to attend the information session for this presentation, please sign up in the Guidance Office.

A reminder to Gr.12 students applying to UNIVERSITY - your OUAC PIN letters have arrived and have been distributed to your period 2 teachers. If you are on spare period 2 or you are expecting a PIN letter and haven’t received one please come to the guidance office to get your letter.