Are you interested in starting College in the fall while still in high school? Would you love to explore a career choice in your pathway at College next semester? Then Dual Credit might be for you. Explore careers in Baking, Welding, Construction, Firefighting, Police Foundations, Auto Service Technician, Interior Design, Cosmetology, Photography, Electrical, Exercise Training, and many more. Go to the Co-op office in Rm. 107 for more details and to see a full list of courses. Courses fill up very quickly and are on a first-come first-served basis. Don’t miss out….get your application in ASAP.
Just a reminder that our Grade 9's taking math this semester are writing their EQAO test on Thurs and Fri this week. They will write periods 3 and 4 on Thursday. All classes are taking first lunch. The cafeteria and new cafe areas are out of bounds for 3rd and 4th. They will write periods 1 and 2 on Friday. The cafeteria and new cafe are out of bounds again at this time.
There will be one final yearbook meeting today after school for all yearbook club members.
ATTENTION all Sears cast and crew – we will have our final and very brief meeting of the year on Wednesday June 12 right after school in room 205. If you are interested in being involved in next year’s production, please be sure to attend as we will discuss plans going forward.
During period 4, Canadian Food for Children is collecting School Supplies to help children in less developed countries. Please donate any new or used school supplies to the cause, especially if it is something that you know you won't need next year. They will also accept donations of clothes, shoes, toys, kitchen items, etc. The 3 classes who raise the most by locker cleanout day will win Popsicles for their class.
A contractor with Pioneer Hybred will be in the school today and Wednesday during your lunches. Students interested in corn detasseling can get more information about a summer job just outside the cafeteria. See you there!
Attention all students interested in being Muskoka Woods leaders for next year. Your online applications are due by midnight on Friday, June 14th. In order to access the online application you must be signed in to your school google account.
Our last French Club meeting for the year will be held in room 209 this Tuesday after school, thanks to all who participated.
Grade 12 students who applied to university and did not receive an offer of admission are encouraged to use the Admission Information Service (AIS) to find which universities have places remaining in specific programs. Students can go to the OUAC 101 website and see the link to the AIS on the right. Students can add programs at no additional charge if they did not receive any offers of admission. New applicants and applicants who received an offer will have to pay a fee of $50 per choice.
Weight room will be open until 330 after school today.
Tuesday, June 18th is locker clean out day. If you have forgotten your combination, please come to the main office BEFORE June 18th
The Rosary Group has been moved to Wednesday, this week, and the following week. The gathering time will stay the same. Everyone is encourage to stop by at the beginning of 1st, or 2nd lunch.
Student Council applications are available outside the student Council TUCC shop. Please return your application to the main office. Everybody welcome. Top positions will be decided by student vote if more than one student applies for them. Now’s your chance to make a difference!
Fish burger with fries, salad or a cookie for $6.00.
Fish burger $5.00
Hamburger $2.90 or 2/$5.00
Poutine $4.75
Salads, sandwiches, cookies & muffins
PieZano’s Pizza $3.60/slice or 2 for $6.40 with Jet Juice