Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Wednesday October 31, 2018

Volunteers are needed to help run an afternoon event at St.Paul's church on Park Ave West.  The day is Saturday, December 1st, for only a couple of hours 3:30-5:30pm.  For more information, contact Shelley at 519-784-0891 (Read only Wednesdays until Dec 5

Hey Lancers, don’t forget about the talent show auditions this Thursday and Friday! Come to the theatre on your lunch and show us your talent after signing up on the sheet outside of the office. (31)

Hey UCC! Did you know that only 5% of dead batteries are properly recycled in Canada! That means 95% of them are thrown in the trash, where they reach landfills, leak toxic chemicals that get into our water, soil and food chains. That’s not good! The Environmental Club has set up a battery recycling station just outside the greenhouse. Bring in your dead batteries any time of the week and drop them off in the designated box. Donating your batteries will help prevent pollution and save energy. It’s 2018 people, let’s do our part! Donate your batteries. (2)

Games Club running Wednesday 2:30-4:00 in room 103.  New members welcome! (31)

Eclectic Java auditions are next week.  Don't forget to sign up.  You can sign up for the coffee house online or by the Denomy elevator. (1)

Senior Reach for the Top practice this Thursday, November 1 has been cancelled due to Parent-Teacher Interviews and will resume next Thursday, November 8.  Please do not forget to hand in your permission forms to Mr. Broadbent or Mr. Estoesta for the upcoming tournament in December.(1)

Attention to all grade 12 students who are graduating this year: Yearbook club will be collecting baby photos and your favorite quote to add to our yearbook grad pages. There will be a box in the office labelled BABY PHOTOS & QUOTES Please label your baby photos and quotes with your first & last name and drop them off in the box BY NOVEMBER 30th.You may also hand in your photos & quotes to Kali Harris. (2)

All students participating in We Scare Hunger - Please meet in the caf between 5 and 5:30 today to get your route maps and name tags. Remember to dress warm and have boxes and bags in your vehicle.  Thank you for collecting food items today and making a difference in our community. (31)

Congratulations to members of the Junior Boys Soccer team for winning the LKSSAA Championship last Thursday.  The team peeked at the right time, allowing zero goals against in the semi final and final combined.  Members of the team are reminded that the the team will have lunch together tomorrow in room 506, and that this will be the perfect time to return their uniforms.(31)

As our school prepares for our Remembrance Day Memorial Service, we hope to gather names of any deceased Canadian military. If you know of a family member, or friend that has served, please share the name with Mr. Dula in guidance. (7)

The Senior Boys Volleyball Team went a perfect 8-0 last night defeating all the Sarnia schools at Great Lakes.  Players of the night were Brent Nevills, Kyle Wammes, Zach Myers and Dylan McGregor. The boys will have a short practice tonight prior to going out for We Scare Hunger.(31)

Outdoor jr. boys football practice is cancelled tonight due to the ground conditions. The weight room will be open for 1 hour tonight for strength and conditioning practice for all players. (31)

Cafeteria Special

Philly Steak with Cheese and Sautéed veggies on a bun

          with salad or Fries or cookie $6 add small drink $1.00 extra

Hamburgers $2.90

Chicken Burgers $4.20

Salads Sandwiches, Cookies & Muffins

PieZano’s Pizza 3.60/slice or 2 for 6.40 with Jet Juice

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