Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Thursday, May 16th, 2019

TODAY is the last day to purchase prom tickets through school cash online. If you have not done so already, you MUST see Mrs. Sanford on senior lunch or after school to pick up your ticket and choose your table today, otherwise a table will be assigned to you. 

It's Thursday, and Enviro Club needs you.  Hope to see you in the greenhouse today after school! 

Thank you to all those applicants that applied to be LancerLINK leaders for next year.  ALL students that applied MUST check their school gmail accounts at 3 PM this Friday to get an update on the results of their applications. 

The 2nd Annual Hack UCC Hackathon is May 25th.  Come out and code for fun and free food. All coding experience levels are welcome.  See Mr. Devet or Mrs. Torrance for more information.

Do you have a paid summer job and would like get ahead on your credits or have not been successful and need a few?  Summer co-op may be the answer!  If interested please see Ms. Goodal in room 106 for information and an application form.

Eclectic Java 11 is coming up soon! Auditions are June 3-5.  Sign up on the bulletin board by the foods room. 

We have soared to new heights this year and would like to celebrate on June 6th! Calling all musicians, artists, actors and actresses! Get your ticket for the arts banquet through cash online. Doors will open at 5:30 and dinner will be at 6pm - tickets are $15.

Encounters With Canada is a program where high school students, aged 14-17 years old, from all across Canada meet with others who have similar interests for one week.  Students will learn about careers from seasoned professionals, discover the City of Ottawa, meet with politicians, ambassadors, athletes and business people and learn more about what it means to be Canadian.  There are 15 different theme weeks such as sports, medicine, science, technology, history, arts, law, and global affairs.  For more information, see Mr. Estoesta in Guidance.

The next public health nurse visit will be on Tuesday May 21st from 9am-1pm in Guidance. If services are needed prior to the holiday weekend, please go to 177 King Street East, Chatham.

Applications to be this year's class valedictorian are now available in the Guidance Office and the Main Office. If you are a graduating student that wishes to represent your class, complete your application today! All applications need to be submitted to guidance by Friday May 17th - voting for this year's valedictorian will take place at our Gr.12 Grad Day. See Mr. Matteis in Guidance if you are interested in applying.

ATTENTION Gr. 12's!!  Are you interested in a career in Law Enforcement?  Have you thought about Law Enforcement as a possible future but don’t know what to expect?  On May 25th, 2019 at 10:30am – 11:30am, The Lambton County OPP is hosting a Provincial Recruitment Day at LCCVI in Petrolia, located at 4141 Dufferin Ave, Petrolia, ON.  This session will be targeting Gr. 12s in the Lambton-Kent area to provide information about a career in Law Enforcement with the Ontario Provincial Police and the recruitment process.  There will be a cap on numbers for this session so please let your guidance counsellor know of your interest in order to register. 

There will also be another session from 12:30-1:30pm for community members who have completed Gr. 12 or have a completed Trades Apprenticeship and are interested in a career in Law Enforcement.  If you know anyone that fulfill these criteria and may be interested as well, please let them know about this session.  They will have to register.  Information on how to register will be available on and through social media.  Are you passionate about making a difference?  Sign up for the session on May 25th at 10:30am to find out how you can with a career with the Ontario Provincial Police!

Cafeteria Special

Chilli Cheese Fries $5.00; add a small drink & cookie for $6.00

Hamburger $2.90 or 2/$5.00

Poutine $4.75

Salads, Sandwiches, Cookies & Muffins    

PieZano’s Pizza $3.60/slice or 2 for $6.40 with Jet Juice

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UCC Calendar