Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Friday, May 27th, 2022

Lancer Link Crew Applications due TODAY!! Students helping students succeed! Our Lancer family needs you!

Students wishing to represent their graduating class as valedictorian on June 28th are encouraged to pick up an application form in the Guidance Department. The due date for submission is Friday, June 3rd. Please see Ms. Mrnik in the Guidance Department for further information.

Attention graduating students - If you have contributed to Lancer extracurriculars over the past 4 years, be sure to apply for the Lancer Award by scanning the QR code found on the info boards. Deadline to apply is June 6th.

The Athletic Banquet will be held here at UCC on Wednesday, June 8th. Further details will be out this week. All varsity athletes and parents are welcome.

A reminder to any student that purchased a prom ticket to pick up their physical tickets on senior lunch in the cafeteria THIS WEEK. You must bring your signed permission form in order to receive your ticket. Meal choice and table choice will be done at this time as well.

For those interested in Junior Football, there will be quick meeting Monday, May 30 in Room 905. Grade 9s will meet at the beginning of their lunch, and Grade 10s will meet at the beginning of theirs.

If any other students are interested in summer co op, please come down to room 105 to get an application and submit as soon as possible.

Attention grade 12's, This is your Last Chance to buy your prom tickets via cash online! We have extended the ticket sale till Wednesday, June 1st. After that date, no more tickets will be sold in person or online as final numbers need to be provided with one week's notice to the hall. Tickets will continue to be available for pick up all next week during the senior lunch. For organization purposes, these tickets need to be picked up asap. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Sanford in room 203.

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