Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Friday, May 6th, 2022

Any students in grade 10, 11 or 12 writing the OSSLT on May 18th are strongly encouraged to pick up a prep booklet from the main office, if you haven't done so already. Also, please remember that May 18th is the final date to write. If you haven't written this year and you know that you need to rewrite, please let Mr. Baggio or Ms. Magliaro know as soon as possible.

Today is the final challenge for Mental Health Week!!! You sure are a big bunch of KIND folk!! Yesterday we had such a great response for the theme of Kindness! There were so many stories sharing the random acts of kindness taking place here at the school!!! You should be proud! The final theme is Gratitude! Gratitude is the quality of being thankful and showing appreciation for what we have. Gratitude boosts self esteem, and trains the brain to retain positive experiences and thoughts, thus deflecting the negative ones. Last chance to scan QR codes is today for a chance to win prizes! So don't forget! Mr. Westman will be handing out prizes to the winners of the draw next Wednesday during period 1! Now go forth and share that attitude of gratitude!!!

Attention to those who have signed up for Hackergal -- please check your school email today and respond to the google form with your shirt size if you have not already done so. Hackergal shirt order is going in today!

Flash Back Friday Live on Lancer Vision returns TODAY! Teachers, tune into Lancer Vision Friday by 2pm to end this week in review of some of the things UCC has been doing recently. Just 10 min of video, photos and summaries of our students and teachers. It is live - no do overs, no replays, replays, replays.

Attention grade 12 students, Prom Tickets are on sale via Cash online starting Monday, May 2nd till Friday May 20th. Limited tickets are available. They will be sold on a first come first serve base. Don't miss out this amazing event taking place Friday, June 10th at the Everest Convention Centre (the old Club Lentinas). Tickets are $50 per person and include a full delicious meal and an evening of dancing and fun. Don't miss out!!! Get your tickets soon! Any questions, please see Mme Vilaranda in 208.

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