Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Friday, February 17th, 2023

Hotdog day Tuesday Feb 21st in the Foods room all three lunches, cash only. Hotdogs $2.00; Pop $1.00; Chips $1.00.

Music auditions for the Sight and Sound Café take place next week. Check the bulletin boards for sign-up info.

Attention Seniors: UCC is seeking applications for Student Trustee. Student Trustee is an elected position working for the St Clair Catholic District School Board. Interested grade 11 or 12 students can apply to a $2500 position representing Catholic students in Chatham-Kent. If you believe that your input would be valuable to the Board and you share a commitment to catholic education, please pick up an application for Student Trustee in the main office.

Reminder to anyone auditioning for the one act play, auditions are Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Pick a day and have your script! See Mrs Fernandes in room 919 for any questions or a script

UCC Cares will be meeting on Thursday in room 808.Come on out and join in the fun! We have some great activities planned for this semester! Not involved last semester? Not a problem! Come and see what we are all about!

Attention to all students: Have you pre-ordered your yearbook? If you haven't, you are in luck! There are a few left for purchase. First come, first served. Don't miss out! You must pre-order your copy now. There will be NO extra copies in June for purchase. Purchase on-line!

Attentions all grade 12 students, are you interested in being part of the Prom Committee this year? If so, please plan to attend the first meeting next week, Wednesday, February 22nd, after school in room 208. See or email Mme Vilaranda if you have any questions.

Next Wednesday, Feb. 22 is National PINK SHIRT day. Wear a pink-coloured shirt with your uniform pants to stand against bullying. Let's inspire moments of kindness, empathy and understanding.

Due to Monday being Family Day, Badminton open gym is canceled. However we will be running an open gym next week sometime , so please listen carefully to announcements!

The senior girls volleyball team head to CKSS tonight to play for the LKSSAA championship. Game starts at 7:00pm. Come out and let's pack the stands and cheer Lancer loud and proud!

The Junior Girls Volleyball Team hosts the LKSSAA finals tonight at 4:30 vs CK. Come out and cheer on your fellow lancers!

Yesterday, the wrestling team fought in Forrest at the LKSSAA championships. UCC sent 14 and 7 of our wrestlers medalled, UCC scored 3rd place in overall team points (beating out NLSS, LCCVI and Northern). 1st place finishes were pinned down by Braydon (the tank) S, Alyssa (crazy warm-up) C, Riley (aka Wes) C, Dean (the machine) R and Morgan (didn't even work up a sweat) K. 2nd place finishes were locked up by Wesley (aka Rie) C and "Big-Boy" Ethan W. Gary (get'er dun) G earned 4th place. All 8 of these grapplers qualified to compete at SWOSSAA next week. Congrats to all the wrestlers that competed yesterday, you represented UCC well and proved the Lancers are a force to be reckoned with!

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