The warm weather is finally here and summer is in the air. Refresh yourself every morning with LANCER BREW. For only $2, get an iced coffee or $1.50 for a lemonade, delivered to your first period class. Make sure to put your orders in following announcements each morning.
Attention all grade 12's attending Prom, tickets are available for pick up all this week during your lunch in the hallway by the new cafeteria. Please bring your permission form signed in order to pick up your ticket and select your table.
Just a reminder to any Grade 12 students interested in applying to be valedictorian, applications are due to Guidance this coming Friday. Live your best life graduates!
Join us for an open house celebrating the arts through vibrant installations and mesmerizing performances, igniting creativity and community spirit on Thursday, May 30th at 6pm beginning in the theatre.
Rainbow alliance members -- please check google classroom for information about our after school planning meeting. See you there!
This is a reminder that tomorrow, Wednesday May 22nd, is a dress down day. Remember to bring in $2 if you have not paid on School Cash Online.