Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Volunteers are needed to help run an afternoon event at St. Paul's Church on Park Ave West.  The day is Saturday, December 1st, for only a couple of hours 3:30-5:30pm.  For more information, contact Shelley at 519-784-0891 (Read only Wednesdays until Dec 5

As our school prepares for our Remembrance Day Memorial Service, we hope to gather names of any deceased Canadian military. If you know of a family member, or friend that has served, please share the name with Mr. Dula in guidance. (7)

There are still a large amount of Student Data Verification Forms outstanding. Please return them to the main office by tomorrow, if you have lost yours please come to the main office and ask for a new one. (6)

Hey Lancers, we need your help.  Now that We Scare Hunger is complete, were asking for your help with donations for the book and sneakers drive. UCC is partnering up with I CAN WE CAN to help out kids and teens in Accur, Guyana. We are asking for your help to collect books and gently used sneakers for ages 12-18 years of age. So check your closet or bookshelf this weekend and clear out all those sneakers you never wear or books you like someone else to read. Drop any donations off in blue bin in the main office. I CAN, WE CAN make a difference. (6)

Yarn Club members please come to the library for a quick meeting on your lunch today.

Attention all Grade 12 students - your OUAC pin numbers and OEN college application numbers are available in guidance for pickup at lunch or after school today. (9)

Art club will meet Tuesday after school, have your idea ready to go!  (6)

This year’s COR retreat weekend is fast approaching. A sleep over weekend of great food, fun, music and faith experiences. Cost is only $50. Gr 12 Students earn their 10 religion volunteer hours. See the Deacon, Mr Devet or Mr Dula. Ask the many students who gone in years past. (6)

Me to We will be cancelled this week due to a staff meeting.  Please message Ms Kearns today if you plan to go to Outreach for Hunger today or Thursday. (5)

Yearbook Club will meet tonight right after school in the communications room. (5)

Attention to all of you involved in a school club. Club photos will take place tomorrow during period 1 and 2 - schedules have been posted in the hallways. (5)

Girls Hockey tryouts will be held next Thursday, November 8th at 3 o'clock at Thames Campus Arena and Wednesday, November 14th at 2:30 at Memorial Arena.  Please arrange for rides to and from the arenas.  If you need to store your equipment at the school for any of those days or have any other questions, please contact Mr. King or Mr. Wright in the Phys-Ed office. If you are unable to make one of these dates, you MUST let Mr. Wright or Mr. King know.  See you this week! (8)

Today’s treaty is treaty number 2. Titled the McKee Purchase. Territory including Point Pelee. Today’s communities would be Windsor, Chatham-Kent and parts of London. The payment for this land was linens, tools for hunting/cooking, eyeglasses and combs. We are all treaty people. (6)

Tomorrow is the first tryout for boy’s hockey. Skate begins at 2:30 until 4 at Memorial arena. If you bring your equipment to school, please bring to gym in the morning to be locked up. We will pen the doors at 2:00 for your dismissal. You are find your way to the arena and be ready to hop on the ice at 2:30 Sharp. Please bring a light and dark jersey. Today is the last day to sign up. Any questions please find Mr. Mallette, McCabe or Clarke. (6)

The Junior & Senior Boys Volleyball Teams play LKSSAA semifinals today in our gym.  At 4:00 the Juniors will take on St Pat's followed directly after with the Seniors battling Northern.  Come out and enjoy the playoff action as our teams look to move forward to the LKSSAA finals Friday night. (6)

Cafeteria Special

Beef Burrito with Salad or Fries $6.99

                    Add a Small Drink $1.00 extra

Overnight Oats $1.00

Hamburgers $2.90

Chicken Burgers $4.20

Salads, Sandwiches, Cookies & Muffins

PieZano’s Pizza 3.60/slice or 2 for 6.40 with Jet Juice