Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Are you looking to make new connections? Are you looking for some wellbeing tips and tricks? Come on down to room 405 with Mrs. McQuarrie for drop in during lunch. Bring a friend and have some fun. Hope to see you there!

Attention all Artists!!!! How would you like to represent your grade by creating a piece of art? We ARE LOOKING FOR: A grade 9 STUDENT to create the word “KNOWLEDGE”; A grade 10 STUDENT to create the word “UNDERSTANDING”; A grade 11 Student to create the word “WISDOM”; AND finally, a grade 12 student to create the word “KINDNESS”. If you are interested, please ask any of your teachers to email Margaret Palmer or stop by guidance and leave her a message. This artwork will be used for prayer services and your year’s graduation ceremony.

Student Council would like to invite all per.4 classes to participate in the Halloween Door Decorating Contest. On Oct.31st judges will be around at the beginning of per. 4 and the winning class will be announced before the dismissal bell. Good luck!

Attention all students: The 2022/23 yearbook is now available for purchase on school cash on-line. The theme is BEYOND THE NOW. Last day to place an order is NOVEMBER 30. There will be NO extra copies for purchase at the end of the school year. Yearbooks MUST be pre-ordered. They will be delivered in June 2023 before the summer holidays! Don't forget to order your copy today!

Attention all UCC students!! Ms. McMath’s grade 11 ‘Introduction to the Social Sciences" classes are conducting some research about all things UCC, and they want to hear from you!!! Please use the QR codes found on bulletin boards around the school and outside of room 601 to participate. We really appreciate your help in making this research project a success!

ATTENTION GRADS: The Yearbook Club wants your BABY PICS and YEARBOOK QUOTES! We are asking that they be submitted by NOVEMBER 15. Both can be sent through email to Mrs. Haines or they can be dropped off in Mrs. Hashim’s classroom, Room 607. Make sure your name is on both and please try to keep your quotes short and sweet! LOOK FOR THE POSTERS IN THE HALLS.

The Senior Boys Volleyball team swept all 4 Sarnia Schools last night to improve their LKSSAA league record to a perfect 22-0. They also improved their overall season record to 50-8. Players of the night were Luke C, Ethan V & Isiah D. The boys are back in action at UCC Saturday as they host the Lancer Invitational Tournament.

Grade 11 and grade 12’s, this is the last week to sign up a team of 8 students to play in the Dodgeball tournament on Fri. Oct 28th. Cost is $40 a team, that’s $5 ea. You can sign your team up in the cafeteria at lunch today, tomorrow or Friday. See you then!