Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Picture retakes are this Friday, November 11th in the new caf. Please see the poster on the Lancer News Bulletin Board for times.

Junior Reach for the Top is cancelled on Thursday this week due to Parent Teacher Interviews.

Math Help is cancelled this afternoon. We'll be back on Monday afternoon.

ART CLUB WILL BE CANCELLED MONDAY NOV. 14 but we will meet Tuesday after school as an alternative date!

Attention: Grade 12 Graduating students. The University of Guelph Humber will be at UCC on Tuesday, November 15th. Please sign up in guidance to attend the information session.

Just a reminder to all choir members that tonight's rehearsal is cancelled. We will meet first thing tomorrow morning in the theatre! Please see the Google Classroom for more reminders!

A resounding bravo goes out to the 50 UCC students that graced the stage yesterday for the first meeting of the 2022/23 drama club ! Fresh off the press is the review of opening night - 5 stars goes out to Emma C for her fast action to take care of those around her, Nyah H for demonstrating outstanding leadership and Jax R for her performance of Connecting Stories. With too many memorable moments to mention - Fern will leave you with this see you next week peeps!

Lancer Baseball players are reminded to return their uniforms to room 502 this week.

Hello UCC and hockey fans around the county. If you are interested in playing boys hockey for this years Lancer Boys hockey team. With a chance to play in a York University Hockey tournament, play in the annual Alumni hockey game as well as compete for another LKSSAA championship. Please sign up using the QR codes posted on the LANCER NEWS BOARD located outside the caf near the phys ed office. All grades are welcome and necessary in making this team. Tryouts start next Wednesday and Thursday at Memorial Arena. You need to provide your own equipment and ride to the arena. Please sign up to be eligible to step on the ice prior to next Wednesday. If you have any questions find Mr. Mallette or Mr. McCabe.