Attention all Lancers for Life! There will be a meeting today after school. If you are unable to come, please access Google Classroom for spirit wear selection.
Any students who picked up summer co-op applications could you please get them back to Ms. Goodal in room 106 ASAP
During period 4, Canadian Food for Children is collecting School Supplies to help children in less developed countries. Please donate any new or used school supplies to the cause, especially if it is something that you know you won't need next year. They will also accept donations of clothes, shoes, toys, kitchen items, etc. The 3 classes who raise the most by locker cleanout day will win Popsicles for their class.
For one day only, we have re opened cash online so you can purchase your athletic banquet tickets happening next Tuesday June 11. Doors open at 5:15, dinner at 5:30 Awards to follow. There are approximately 20 tickets remaining, so first come first serve through cash online. Already bought tickets will be delivered today during period 3.
Senior Football Spring Camp takes place this coming Monday through Thursday! Any players who have not yet dressed should be at the football shed after school Thursday June 6 to get their equipment. If there are any reasons you can not be there you are to let Mr. McCabe know ASAP.
Would you like to tour London, England next summer? Visit the set of Harry Potter? Explore Tower Bridge, Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace? And at the same time earn your grade 11 university English credit? Students interested in attending a parent information meeting on June 11th at 5 pm, are invited to see Ms. Doher in room 201 for registration details. There are limited spaces available, so please plan to attend the information meeting to get sign up details. (5-10)
All students attending the U.C.C. prom on Saturday at Club Lentina's are required to attend a mandatory meeting in the Theater at the beginning of the senior lunch today.
ALL ball players who have not returned their uniform to Mr. T are to do so instantly in room 502!!
Student Council applications are available outside the student Council TUCC shop. Please return your application to the main office. Everybody welcome. Top positions will be decided by student vote if more than one student applies for them. Now’s your chance to make a difference!
Hamburger $2.90 or 2/$5.00
Poutine $4.75
Salads, sandwiches, cookies & muffins
PieZano’s Pizza $3.60/slice or 2 for $6.40 with Jet Juice