Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Hey you singers and musicians: The next coffee house is coming up in June. Have you been practicing?

Do you want to help create a culture of caring at UCC? Lancer Link is for you! Next year's Link Leader Applications are out! Scan the QR code on the bulletin boards!

FlashBack Today at 2pm! Decade Day Dress Down, a new teacher of the week, live results of Mr. McCabe's buz for Ronald McDonald House, sports round-up and more. Celebrate UCC on LancerVision YouTube PEr 4 at 2pm today. Ask your teacher to tune in. No better way to round up the week!

Are you interested in learning more about working with the Canadian Armed Forces? Representatives from the Canadian Forces will be here on Monday for a presentation. You must sign up in the co-op office today if you wish to attend this informative presentation about Military co-op opportunities.

Today mental health week comes to an end but this doesn't mean we should stop taking care of ourselves. Mental health is a continuum and challenges can come in waves. Ensuring we make self-care a priority can make a huge difference. Allow yourself time and space when you need it. Give yourself the same kind of compassion and grace you would give to a friend that was going through the same thing. Look at things through a positive lens and find the little things to be grateful for each and every day. You deserve to be treated with care and kindness, and not just from others but from yourself too!

Attention Grade 12 Graduating Students! Application forms for those wishing to represent their graduating class as valedictorian on June 28th are now available to pick up in Guidance. Candidates must complete and submit the form to Ms. Mrnik in Guidance by Friday May 26th.

Attention all grade 12's: TODAY is the last day to purchase your prom ticket. Don't miss out on the greatest event of the year!!! Tickets will be available to pick up starting Monday and for the rest of the week during the senior lunch in the foyer outside the new caf. Please bring with you your permission form. If you have a group that you want to sit with, come together to pick your table.

Good luck to the ESports Rocket League team as they head to St. Clair College in Windsor tomorrow for a live event. They will be facing off in a double elimination tournament against schools across Ontario. Goooo Lancers!