Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Attention all staff, Lancer Brew needs your support. Save a trip to Tim Hortons and order a coffee/ tea or hot chocolate from our Life Skills program. Find order forms in the Blue Lancer bins in your nearest staff room. Huge thank you to all staff who have ordered so far. Lancer Brew will continue to run daily. Get your orders in each day before announcements.

Mya:UCC is filled with talented people! Today is the last day to sign up for this year's talent show. Auditions are on April 23 and you must sign up if interested. Make sure to scan the QR code in the main hallway in order to audition.

Interested in a job in the field of healthcare? Want a career in Chatham Kent? Any senior student interested in attending the Chatham Kent Health Alliance informational presentation, period 1 on April 24th, please sign up outside Guidance or in the Science Department outside room 909 to be excused from class. Questions, come and see Mr. Evans.

Are you a grade 11 or 12 student looking to earn an extra credit? Spring Fast Track dual credit may be for you. Earn a highschool and a college credit in just 3 weeks! See Ms Kearns in the co-op office or your guidance counsellor for details.

The prom committee is eagerly collecting your cherished memories to feature in the prom slideshow. Kindly share your photos capturing the highlights of your high school journey as soon as possible. Your contributions will help create a truly unforgettable evening.

There is a reason they call it ULTIMATE. Ultimate Frisbee is signing up players this week and next week. This non contact Co-ed sport is open to current athletes in any sport and non athletes who want to be outdoors get some exercise and compete against other schools. Practices will be minimum - a few nights after school before a tournament. Play requires the same number of guys and girls on the field. No previous skills are needed to be a team player and contribute to the UCC point count. Everything will be taught. Sign up with the QR Codes to join on the posters in the school and plan to meet during your lunch in 808 next Thursday to see what our team will look like.

Another HUGE congratulations goes out to ALL members of the Senior Badminton team. The points were calculated and it turns out that not only did our individual teams perform very well at LKSSAA...but UCC is the TEAM LKSSAA Champions!!! Congratulations to all team members for your hard work and dedication.

Our next practice is at 2:30 on Monday.

Team members are reminded to check Google Classroom!

What a season opening game for the Girls Lancers' soccer team! The final score was 4-0 for the Lancers. The Lancers took the lead after Sierra L., took two beautiful shots from outside the box. Soon after, another goal was followed up by Abby S., from a corner kick from Brooke R. During the second half, the Lancers were moving the ball around beautifully, which produced another goal by Alyssa M., that was crossed in by Ava F. We couldn't have won without our amazing goalies and defense. Great first game Lancers!

Flash Back is ... well ... Back. Last week we had a hardware failure that was replaced. We are back today at 2pm running the Europe Trip, Montreal Trip, Zombie Lancer Link, the track team and more . Google YouTube Lancer Vision Chatham (Live tab) 2pm sharp Friday. Ask your teacher to finish the week watching what Lancers do best ... at their best.

The Senior boys soccer team kicked off their season last night with a 4-0 win over WDSS. Rees Evans lead the way with a natural hat trick, and Nick H., added a fourth. Jake A., picked up the clean sheet in his senior Lancer debut and it was a great start to the season for everyone on the pitch. The boys square off against LCCVI next Tuesday. Gooooo Lancers!!!!

This is another reminder that junior semiformal tickets are up for sale on school cash online. Get your tickets while supplies last!

Last night, our junior, badminton team competed in LKSSAA.

The team did absolutely amazing and battles hard all the way till the end!

Finishing eighth place in girls singles, was Lily D.!

The remaining players have qualified for SOSSWA that takes place next week!!

Finishing sixth place in boy singles, was Sawyer F.

Finishing fourth place in boy singles, was Elliot C.

Finishing third place in mixed doubles, was Ethan M., and Ella S.

Finishing second place in girls singles, was

Jocalin H.,

Finishing second place in girls doubles, was

Gisele D., and Mercy W.,

Finishing second place in mixed doubles, was Chase P., and Emma R.,

Finishing second place in boys doubles, was Dacian P.-V., and Gibby D.,

We have some LKSSAA champions in boys, doubles being Tiago R., and Jackson L.,

The junior badminton team is also the team LKSSAA CHAMPIONS!!!

Way to go team!!