Volunteers are needed to help run an afternoon event at St. Paul's Church on Park Ave West. The day is Saturday, December 1st, for only a couple of hours 3:30-5:30pm. For more information, contact Shelley at 519-784-0891 (Read only Wednesdays until Dec 5
All cast and crew members involved in the Charlie Brown Christmas in Muskoka play are reminded that every rehearsal from here on out is completely mandatory. Please arrive on time and make arrangements to stay until the end of each rehearsal. (30)
Tomorrow is the last day to purchased Physics spirit wear through school cash online. Radioactive sweaters are $24 and t-shirts are only $10! (26)
There will be a Me to We meeting this Wednesday in room 106 after school. (26)
Eight wrestlers grappled at Vista in Windsor this past weekend. Six of them were medal finishes. 4th place was earned by Vanessa Devolder & Darius Benoit-Pough, Kayla Smith, Graci Srokosz & Hanna Srokosz fought hard for their Bronze medals. Daniel Crummer, Zach Parent & Ben Parent pinned down gold medals. Congratulations to the UCC wrestlers. (26)
The Girls Hockey Team's final roster will be posted at lunch today on the gym doors outside of the Phys. Ed Office. There will be a meeting before the morning bell on Wednesday at 8:00 in Room 507 to hand out jerseys. If you cannot make this meeting arrange another meeting at lunch with either Mr. King, Mr. Wright or Ms. Balkwill. (26)
The junior boy’s basketball team started the season winning the McGregor tournament this past weekend. Without any practices, the team utterly dominated their opponents for two and a half games with aggressive defense and a blitzkrieg offense. Aiden Sprik lead the bench squad taking charges and knocking down threes and first year player, Nathan Hanson was dominant at both ends of the floor. (26)
The girl’s hockey team is in need of score keepers for the season. Games begin Wednesday. Anyone interested please come see Mr. Wright or Mr. King in the Phys-Ed office. You will be given volunteer hours for your time. Thank you! (26)
PEDAGAPE will meet after school today, in Room 919. We will begin the planning and decorations for our school's annual Christmas dinner. We hope to see you there! (26)
Any members of the "Blue" Junior Girls Volleyball team should meet in the new caf today at 3:40. (26)
Attention Junior football team. If you were on this year’s junior football team and played a defensive or offensive lineman position, including tight end, please come to a brief but important meeting in room 604 right now. See you there. (26)
Cafeteria Special
Pasta with Tomato, Alfredo Sauce & Meatballs with a Cookie $6.00
Add a Small Drink $1.00 extra
Hamburgers 2/$5.00 or $2.90 each
Chicken Burgers $4.20
Salads, Sandwiches, Cookies & Muffins
PieZano’s Pizza 3.60/slice or 2 for 6.40 with Jet Juice