Reminder to ALL students that course selections for the 2023-24 school year are due by this Friday. Every student must submit their courses through myblueprint, this includes Gr.12 students that plan to return for a 5th year.
Science Spiritwear! Thursday is the last day to order your Ursuline Isotopes baseball-style spiritwear shirts on School Cash Online.
Have you brought in some soap? There are several countries without soap, let’s help them out! If every Lancer brought in one soap item, imagine how much soap we’d have to give. Bring in your soap tomorrow to support Canadian Food for Children!
The chapel will be open during each lunch today to pray the rosary. It's an easy way to incorporate some additional prayer during the Lenten season. Bring your intentions and come on out!
Tryouts for Rocket League will begin today after school in the cafeteria. Please scan the QR Code found on the Lancer News Board beforehand. You must be a ranked player to try out. Please see Mr. Teeuwen in Room 805 if you have any questions.
Wednesday, March 8, 2023 9:47:00 AM