Mark Bernard, Principal
Go Cardinals!
It is evident upon entering Holy Family Catholic School that all members of this Catholic Learning Community; including students, parents, guardians, families, parish partners and the faculty are, enthusiastic and fully committed to all aspects of an outstanding school experience for each and every one of our students. This includes opportunities for all students to excel with their many varied gifts and talents.
Throughout the year, we are pleased to offer opportunities for a variety of sports including track, volleyball, basketball, badminton and more. We are also elated to offer opportunities for hands-on technology based learning and friendly competition with computer programming and robotics lead educators right in our building. Our music education program continues to support our “Strings Are The Thing Orchestra,” which allows many of our students to compete at very high levels in the greater music community.
I feel very honoured to be part of the team of Holy Family Catholic School colleagues, who are an outstanding group of educators, known for their commitment to excellence throughout many areas of the educational field.
We are also very blessed to have such an outstanding relationship with Holy Redeemer Parish Cluster. The Holy Redeemer Parish Cluster team provides amazing support to our students and families as we celebrate Mass together weekly by class and many times throughout the year as an entire School Family. The Parish Team visits our school regularly and supports students, families and the faculty throughout our spiritual journey, including preparation for the Sacraments, Praying The Rosary and celebrating our faith together in many wonderful ways.
At Holy Family Catholic School we believe very deeply in the St. Clair Catholic District School Board strategic priorities;
Living our faith;
Promoting educational achievement and innovation; and
Fostering stewardship, leadership and social justice.
As a school leader, I believe that it is our mission and challenge to educate our students with the belief that all students can learn and achieve success with the proper supports and a community of learners, including fellow classmates, who support each other.
I look forward to the many opportunities in the upcoming months. Please, always feel free, to contact me with suggestions and concerns.
May God Bless the continued work of all members of our community!