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St. Ursula Catholic School

426 Lacroix Street
Chatham, Ontario N7M 2W3

Phone: (519) 352-3620 Fax: (519) 352-0411

Bell Times

Start 9:15am
Break 10:55am - 11:10am
Midday 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Break 2:30pm - 2:45pm
Dismissal 3:35pm
To Report an Absence
please call 519-352-3620.
We are in School Bus Zones
7 and 8


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Learning at Home

Our School is Named after St. UrsulaOur School is Named after St. Ursula

Saint Ursula and her Companions

When Ursula was a little girl, she loved children very much. She therefore became a teacher. Mothers and fathers sent their boys and girls to her. She taught them how to be good. She told them about Jesus and Mary. She had a fine school for them in England.

But terrible pagan armies came into England. They threatened to kill all Christians. So Ursula took her pupils and her other teachers and went with them to France. But once again, she met peril. The terrible Huns came with their armies. They hated Jesus Christ and they killed all Christians. So they captured Ursula and her sweet young companions.

They asked Ursula to let them make slaves of the little boys and girls. Ursula refused. They promised to let them all go free if they would give up Christ and the Catholic faith. They all refused. So the army of the Huns drew their swords. They pulled back their bows and arrows. They killed Ursula and all her companions. And like glorious martyrs they went straight to heaven. Her Feast is on October 21st.

"Patron Saint of Students, Catholic Teachers and Young Women"

History of Our School

Hallway at St. Ursula Catholic School, Chatham

St. Ursula School is one of three Catholic Schools serving students on the south side of Chatham. St. Ursula School, along with Georges P. Vanier School serves the Parish community of St. Ursula Church.

The School was originally built in 1950 and has undergone two major additions. In 1996 four new classrooms were added to the school along with a new staff room, teacher's workroom and administrative offices for the secretary, principal and vice-principal.

Our school serves a large area of Chatham's Catholic population, north Harwich and Raleigh Townships (Zone 7) as well as the south west part of the City of Chatham (Zone 8). We are diversified in cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. We are very proud of the families that are enrolled in our School in choosing Catholic Education to educate their children.

St. Ursula School benefits from a healthy partnership with our School Council. This Council actively supports our school in all our initiatives, through both volunteering in various activities for the students and financial donations for these activities. They are a vital component of our school family and are dedicated to providing meaningful experiences for our students.

Community Use of Schools

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The St. Clair Catholic District School Board is committed to allowing our communities to use our schools for their events. For more information, click below to access the website for this program.

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