St. Patrick's Catholic High School

1001 The Rapids Parkway
Sarnia, Ontario N7S 6K2

Phone: 519-332-3976 Fax: 519-383-7024

Retreats are an important part of the faith life of our school.
They are an opportunity to step away from the regular classroom setting and our normal lives
with the purpose of connecting with God.
As part of the religious education curriculum, students will attend one class retreat each year.
The retreat is focused on a particular theme appropriate for the grade level and relevant to our modern lives (details below).

Grade 9 Class Retreat

Theme: Belonging - Creating a community where everyone belongs.

Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations:

  This experience will assist students to further develop as

1) a Discerning Believer, 2) a Reflective, Holistic and Creative Learner, and 3) a Caring Family Member.

Location: St. Patrick’s School Chapel

Time: regular class time, 1 period

Details: Using large group activities, discussions and video clips students will learn about the application of "belonging" in L’Arche communities. Understanding the human need to belong and our responsibility to create opportunities for everyone to belong is explored with reference to Catholic Social Teaching. A specific time of prayer will focus on “Belonging” and making a specific commitment to action.


Grade 10 Class Retreat

Theme: Rights, Life, Action - exploring human rights, the dignity of the human person, and respecting and protecting life.

Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations:

This experience will assist students to further develop as

1) a Discerning Believer, 2) a Reflective, Holistic and Creative Learner, and 3) a Responsible Citizen.

Location: St. Patrick’s School Chapel

Time: regular class time, 2 periods

Details: Small group brainstorming and large group discussions engage students in an investigation of human rights. Utilizing scripture and Catholic Social Teaching, students explore the right to life, the dignity of the human person and our responsibility to protect the life and dignity of all people. A specific time of prayer will focus on those who suffer due to a lack of respect or protection and how we will respond to their needs.


Grade 11 Class Retreat

Theme: Caring for our Common Home - exploring aspects of our School Board Pastoral Plan (Caring for our Common Home) through presentation, dialogue, reflection and prayer. 

Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations:

This experience will assist students to further develop as

1) a Discerning Believer, 2) a Reflective, Holistic and Creative Learner, and 3) a Responsible Citizen.

Location: St. Patrick’s School

Time: regular class time, 2 periods

Details: A guest speaker from the Canadian Catholic Organization of Development & Peace will address students on the topic of "For our Common Home - A future for the Amazon, a future for all" with opportunity for dialogue including Q&A. Connections will be made with Pope Francis' Encyclical Letter, Laudate Si', using Catholic social teaching, scripture and prayer. 


Grade 12 Class Retreat

Theme: Prayer and Temperament - Learning about ourselves with applications to prayer and spirituality.

Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations:

This experience will assist students to further develop as

1) a Discerning Believer, 2) a Reflective, Holistic and Creative Learner, and 3) a Collaborative Contributor.

Location: St. Patrick’s School Computer Lab and Chapel

Time: regular class time, 2 periods

Details: An introduction to Myers-Briggs Type Indicator with an opportunity to briefly  evaluate our specific personality and temperament. Students discuss the variety of gifts that make up our personality and temperament and how these influence various aspects of our lives including our prayer life. A specific time of prayer will focus on four different spiritualities: Thomistic, Ignatian, Franciscan and Augustinian.