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Sacred Heart Catholic School

1411 Lecaron Avenue
Sarnia, Ontario N7V 3J1

Phone: (519) 344-1601 Fax: (519) 344-3886


   Monday, June 12

  • Monday Liturgy in the gym at 12:20pm

  • Track practice after school to 3:50pm

  • Knitting Club at the Church at Lunch time – Grade 4

  • Youth Group-Gr 3 &4 and 5&6 today! At the Church at 7pm

Tuesday, June 13

  • Track practice after school to 3:50pm

  • Looking for more Bingo volunteers!Our Sacred Heart Bingo committee has raised a significant amount of funds that help to support many of the activities and projects that your children enjoy. If you are able to give up a couple of hours a few times a year and can support this committee, it would be truly appreciated. The next BINGO Training Session is today at 7:00pm at Trinity Anglican Church Please feel free to attend. THANKS!

  • Grade 6 to 8 trip to see the musical, JOSEPH.

  • Grade 1 and Grade 2 class trips today

Wednesday, June 14

  • Track Pep Rally in the morning

  • Track and Field Day at Track on East Street

  • Only athletes will be supervised at the track meet as we have a limited number of staff to take care of supervision. Other students attending are expected to be supervised by a parent. Thanks!

  • Best of luck to all our athletes who have trained hard and diligently for their events!

  • Thank you very much to all of our coaches who have given much of their time, talent and enthusiasm to ensure their success!

  • Prayer Warriors-Prayer Changes Things Sacred Heart Church 3:30- 4:30pm


Thursday, June 15


Friday, June 16

  • Grade 6 Classes attending POW WOW today

  • Grade 4 outdoor nature trip today