School Cash Online Link


Sacred Heart Catholic School

1411 Lecaron Avenue
Sarnia, Ontario N7V 3J1

Phone: (519) 344-1601 Fax: (519) 344-3886



We need your help!

Karen Lupi has graciously co-ordinated our School Bingos for a number of years. She would like to hand over the position in June. We NEED someone to take her place. Please consider as this is an important fundraiser for our school. Funds from BINGO have been used to pay for whole school presentations such as the RESPECT tour and to reduce the cost of classroom excursions.  It is used to purchase student learning materials, sports equipment, referee services and tournament fees. Karen will gladly assist with the transition. If nobody replaces her, we will lose these funds. Please call the office if you are able to help!


School Council Meeting

Our next school council meeting is on Wednesday, February 27, 2013 beginning at 6:30. Everyone is welcome to attend!

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