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Christ the King Catholic School

227 Thomas Ave.
Wallaceburg, Ontario N8A 2B9

Phone: (519) 627-6745 Fax: (519) 627-7354

Bell Times

Start 9:05am
Break 10:45am - 11:00am
Midday 11:50am - 12:30pm
Break 2:10pm - 2:25pm
Dismissal 3:15pm
To Report an Absence
please call (519) 627-6745.
We are in School Bus Zone 5


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Our School is Named for Christ The King

Image of Christ the King
Christ the King

Pope Pius XI instituted the Solemnity of Christ the King on 11 December 1925 in his encyclical Quas Primas. At that time he saw the rise of atheistic communism and secularism as a direct result of man's turning away from Christ's sovereignty, and man's denying of the authority of Christ's Church. This result was "disorder" or a move away from the Divine Order. The Feast of Christ the King was set on the last Sunday in October.

After the Second Vatican Council, the calendar reforms of 1969 moved the date of the Feast of Christ the King to the last Sunday before the next liturgical year's Advent (Advent marking the start of the liturgical year and beginning four Sundays before Christmas Day). Before this change, the Sunday before Advent bore the designation "Last Sunday After Pentecost" and had its own special Mass, regardless of the number of Sundays there were between Pentecost and Advent (23 to 28) in that particular year.

The current feast will fall on whichever day from November 20 through November 26, all inclusive, is a Sunday in a given year. It is reckoned as the 34th and last Sunday of Ordinary Time, and all previous Sundays from Pentecost onward are counted back from this number, which more than half the time results in one week of Ordinary Time (always from the 5th through the 10th) being omitted in that year; and since Pentecost, Trinity Sunday and, in the United States, the solemnity of Corpus Christi take the place of the first three such Sundays, this means four Sundays in Ordinary Time will be missing from the calendar in most years and three in the others.

White vestments are worn at masses on this Sunday, rather than the green that prevails during the rest of Ordinary Time, except for feasts that call for either white or red.

Prayer to Jesus Christ the King

Almighty, everlasting God,
Who in Thy beloved Son,
King of the whole world,
hast willed to restore all things anew;
grant in Thy Mercy that all the families of nations,
rent asunder by the wound of sin,
may be subjected to His most gentle rule.
Who with Thee lives and reigns world without end.


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