Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019

Student Council would like to thank staff and students who paid to dress down today. The money raised from this dress down day has been donated to the charity Hime For Help, a safe haven for abandoned, orphaned, and vulnerable children in Haiti.

The Student Vote results are in. 826 Ballots were cast at UCC and the results were very close. At one point in the day, it was tied between Liberals and Conservatives. After all the ballots were cast and by a mere 12 votes students have voted for Dave Epp, the Conservative candidate. The results from our school echoed by other schools in this riding. To see the full results, go to Studentvote.ca and click on "Results". 

Students who were unable to attend the Academic Assembly last Thursday night can pick up their certificates in their Period 1 class.  Students who have Period 1 spare or morning co-op can pick up their certificates in their Period 2 or Period 3 class. 

Attention Grade 9 Students!  Are you interested in travelling to Ottawa, Montreal and New York City this summer?   UCC is hosting a parent meeting on Monday October 28th to learn about our Travel for Credit Careers and Civics course.   Please bring your parents Monday, Oct. 28 at 6pm for more information.  More information in the main office.

Student Council is looking for two students to be Lance, our school mascot. If you’re interested, please see Mrs Iacovella and Mrs Lacina in room 105 during first or second lunch this Thursday.

Boys & girls, big and small, newbie or martial arts expert, wrestling tryouts will be next week Mon-Wed, see Mr. Parent in room 306 for more details.

Eclectic Java #12 (the coffee house for all kinds of music) will be on November 8.  Auditions are October 28 and 30. We'd love to hear both new and repeat performers. Sign up on the music board by the foods room, or look for posters to see how to sign up online.

Do you love to problem solve or work with computers?  Computer science might be for you.  Grade 9 and 10 students are invited to try the Beaver Computing Contest, a logic and problem solving contest where you try solving some problems that computer scientists solve every day.  No experience necessary.  If you are interested, see Mr. Devet in Room 402 during second lunch today or tomorrow.

There will be a Me to We meeting Wednesday after school in room 209.  See you there!


Pulled pork and mashed potatoes with a cookie and small drink $6

Mashed potatoes & gravy $3.85

Hamburger (4oz) $3.99

Salads, sandwiches, cookies, bagels, muffins

Homemade Pizza $3.60

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