Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Thursday, November 18th, 2021

A brief announcement for any students entering into the "Keep Christ in Christmas" poster contest. All hand drawn posters must be submitted in person by today, Thursday November 18th, or digital posters by tomorrow, Friday November 19th. Please submit your completed posters to Mr. LeBel in room 611, or by email. Also, just a reminder, all posters require a entry form (provided by LeBel) to be completed upon submission. Good luck!

This is a reminder to all grade 11 students and some grade 12 students that the OSSLT is next week. Be sure to spend some time in Ms. Magliaro's google classroom this weekend so you feel more prepared for the big day.

Hey Lancers! Just a reminder to reminder to order your limited edition Christmas spirit wear! It will be available until Friday, November 26th on School Cash Online. There are two different festive designs. They are available in white and grey and in T’s, Crews, and Hoodies. You will be able to wear your Christmas spirit wear tops for the entire week before Christmas holidays, so get them while you can!

Tryouts for girls volleyball and boys basketball will start Monday and Tuesday. If you signed up with the QR codes watch your SCCDSB email for more information from coaches.

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