Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Thursday, November 3rd, 2022

Just a reminder to all UCC Choir members of the choir practice tonight in the Music room, room 921! If you can't be there please see Mr. Zimmer as this is a really important practice tonight! See you there!

The UCC Wellness Team is a place for students to share their passion for positivity and staying well. The team will be meeting Thursday November 3rd in room 201 after school (2:20). All students who have signed up or are still interested in joining are welcome. Hope to see you there!

The UCC DRAMA club starts next Wednesday Nov 9th and will run every Wednesday ! all students are welcome from all grade levels. If you enjoy being on the stage, helping in the booth or wings or just want to hang out with fun people, the UCC Drama club is for you! Come out next Wednesday after school ! If you have any questions, email Mrs Fernandes or see her in room 816 or 919.

Any grade 9 or grade 10 students who would like to join UCC's Student Council, please see Mrs Lacina in room 915 on your lunch today or next week.

Attention: Grade 12 Graduating students. Brock University will be at UCC on Monday, November 7th. Please sign up in guidance to attend the information session.

Can’t seem to… “see through the fog”? *knee slap*. Maybe you need a little prayer in your life! Come out today to the chapel at the beginning of each lunch to pray the rosary with us. Can’t wait to see you there!

Attention all gr.11 and gr. 12 UCC students! Semi-Formal will be held at Retro Suites on Thursday, November 17th from 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm. Tickets are available to gr.11 and gr.12 UCC students only. The entrance fee is $15. Only 200 tickets are available to purchase on a first-come first-serve basis so be sure to purchase your ticket on School Cash Online ASAP! Chips and pop will be available to purchase at the venue.

All girls interested in signing up for girls hockey, please scan the QR codes posted in the hallways today through Friday in order to do so. Tryouts will begin next week on Wednesday and Thursday after school. If you have any questions please let Mr Wright, Ms Balkwill or Mr King know and watch your email for updates after signing up!

Attention Junior Football players - Immediately following announcements please come down outside the Learning Commons for a brief team meeting.

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