Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Monday, December 5th, 2022

The weight room will be open after school starting today. WE WILL ONLY BE OPEN ON MONDAY/TUESDAY/WEDNESDAYS, 2:20-3:45. Come dressed in FITNESS ATTIRE!!

Here's another way to show others that we care. Mr. Lebel's grade 10 class has decided to collect toys to contribute to the Goodfellows toy drive. Please!! please!! bring in gently used or new toys for children aged 8-12. You can drop them off at room 606 or place them in the designated boxes in the main entrance of the school. Bringing in clean and gently used toys are also a great way to show care for the earth. Let's get behind this Lancers.

ATTENTION DRAMA CLUB - this just in! Today's rehearsal is cancelled. Please work on memorizing your lines and see you next week

Mindfulness is more than just a coping strategy or wellness practice--it actually can change the physical makeup of our brains. Researchers found that over time participants who practiced meditation and mindfulness increased the gray matter in brain regions associated with memory, learning, and focus. If you are in need of some mindfulness, check out the bulletin board outside of guidance today!

In support of the Life-Skills program, students have made bracelets to represent the Fruits of the Spirit. All proceeds and funds will go towards the Life-Skills room. There are 6 different bracelets representing: Joy, Love, Gentleness, Kindness, Faithfulness and Patience. All staff and students can purchase bracelets on School-Cash Online. The cut off for orders will be December 19th. Email Ms. Boss or Mr. Teeuwen if you have any questions.

Wanna be cozy and warm on Fridays? Looking for a little colour to brighten your day? ATTENTION ALL UCC STUDENTS AND STAFF!! Available now through the cash online until Dec. 16 you can purchase UCC ARTS DEPARTMENT SPIRIT WEAR in Navy Blue or White Hoodies with a bright and colourful design! Get 'em while they're HOT for a solid price of $36 dollars.

Games Club running tonight in Room 103---see you there!

The Knights of Columbus are thrilled to offer a Bursary Opportunity to any graduating Grade 12 students. Interested applicants are asked to submit a 500-750 word essay by this Friday answering the question: How do your actions at home, in the school and in the community show the world that you believe in the Good News of Jesus as it is taught in your classes at UCC? Entries will be reviewed by a small number of Knights and Teachers and the winner will receive a $500 Knights of Columbus Bursary. Submissions can be made to your English or Religion Teacher as well as Mr. Culverwell. Any questions please see Mr. Culverwell in room 103.

Are you a grade 12 student applying to college? If so, Lambton College wants to help you! Representatives will be here this Thursday Dec.8 during senior lunch in the Lancer Commons to help students complete their college applications. As an added bonus - if you apply to one Lambton college program they will pay the $110 application fee for you! Join Lambton College this Thursday during senior lunch in the commons!

12 of the 15 wrestlers that attended in St. Thomas medalled over the weekend. Gold medals were pinned down by Riley and Alyssa C, Brayden S, Talon H & Ayden B. Wesley C, Anthony P & Morgan K cinched some silver medals. Casey S, Dean R, Austin and Matt C grappled to take home Bronze medals. They suffered a few bumps and bruises and a couple hard losses but the UCC wrestlers proved to be a force to be reckoned with! Good luck on Tuesday at NLSS.

The Senior Boys basketball team won their 2nd tournament of the season this past weekend. Caleb R was the tournament MVP and Jaxen B was a tournament all-star. The finals were an absolute battle as the team dealt with injuries and foul trouble. Nick H and Jack G came off the bench and were instrumental in the win. The team starts regular season play this week as they travel to Sarnia on Tuesday and play at UCC on Thursday.

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