Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Monday, December 12, 2022

In support of the Life-Skills program, students have made bracelets to represent the Fruits of the Spirit. All proceeds and funds will go towards the Life-Skills room. There are 6 different bracelets representing: Joy, Love, Gentleness, Kindness, Faithfulness and Patience. All staff and students can purchase bracelets on School-Cash Online. The cut off for orders will be December 19th. Email Ms. Boss or Mr. Teeuwen if you have any questions.

Games Club running tonight in room 103 from 2:30-4:00. New members welcome!

Yearbook Club will meet today in the communications room. See you at 2:30.

ART CLUB members will meet tonight in room 920. See you after school to work on our paintings!

BABY IT IS COLD OUTSIDE!!!!!!…… With the harsh winter elements upon us, our homeless neighbours need some clean warm blankets!!!! So forget about raiding the cookie jar, raid the linen closet instead and bring in a gently used clean blanket for our blanket drive! Imagine what UCC could do if each household or student brought in one blanket. Please bring them to your first period class by Dec. 16th. Thank you for your generosity lancers!

Anyone who is interested in Competitive Mock Trial, please come to a meeting room 605 after school on Tuesday.

11 members of our UCC wrestling team competed in Windsor at Tecumseh Vista on Saturday. Morgan Kormendy won some tough battles to add a silver medal to her growing collection. Bronze medals were locked up by Alyssa C, Kayden D, Ethan W and Austin C. Dean R gets an honourable mention for a top 6 finish in a (Dean even wrestled and won an extra match due to a bout sheet mix-up!) Way-to-go wrestlers!

The Junior boys basketball team had a spectacular weekend, winning the 16 team Riverside Stinger Junior Boys Basketball Tournament! The team went an impressive 4-0 on the weekend, winning the final game 66-61 in overtime over a strong St. Anne's team out of Windsor. The boys should be proud of their tenacious defence and fast pace of play which could not be handled by their opponents. We continue our season Tuesday at 5:30pm in Petrolia. Go Lancers!

The senior boys basketball team competed at the university of Windsor’s invitational this past weekend without 4 starters. The team didn’t come away with a victory but improved in each game. Nathan V and DJ D moved up to the senior team this weekend and were outstanding in the final game. Isiah D averaged 22 points over 3 games and lead the team on both ends of the floor on route to earning tournament all star despite the lancer’s winless record. The team plays at McGregor on Thursday at 7:00.

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