Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Monday, March20th, 2023

Do you ever wonder what teachers do over their march break .... Here are some of their answers: organized and cleaned the house, slept, great wolf lodge, went snowboarding and spent most of the time on my butt, Florida, Cuba, read 3 books, worked on the yearbook, went out for lunch….this semester we are taking a deeper look into the secret lives of teachers and the closer we get to the one act play the deeper the dive will go!

REMINDER TO ACTORS AND CREW OF THE ONE ACT PLAY :TEACHERS! Rehearsal for scene 1 and 2 is tomorrow and everyone else is expected on the stage THIS WEDNESDAY!

Games Club running in room 103 today at 2:30 in room 103. Hope to see you there!

ART CLUB will meet tonight in room 920

Welcome back Lancers! Before March Break, our UCC Soap Drive to support Canadian Food For Children, was going very well! We have one more week to bring in soap, that’s right, this is our last week! So, if you haven’t brought in any soap, make it happen this week!

The results are in, we collected way more soap the week before March Break: the Denomy Building brought in 111 items of soap! Well done Denomy! The Xavier building brought in 186 items of soap, another Fantastic effort Xavier! The Merici building brought in a mind blowing, 381 items of soap! Wow, that is extraordinary! Merici is now in the lead! This gives us a Grand total of 946 items of soap, we are getting close to our goal of 1500 items of soap. Many thanks, Lancer Staff and students, keep up the great work this week!

Yearbook club will meet tonight at 2:30 in the communications room.

The Girls Hockey team is off to OFSAA tomorrow in Windsor. Seeded 4th, the girls take on 15th seed Malvern Collegiate from Toronto at 10:15am in the first game of the day, followed by a game against 9th seed Oakville Trafalgar at 2pm. Go Lancers!!!

Hey guys, are you ready for Rugby? Look for the boys Rugby poster with QR code near the gym door and bus entrance. Sign up this week.

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