The OSSLT is 15 days away! 15 days!!!! If you have been putting your prep for this on the backburner... It's time to boil the kettle and get things going. Check out the Literacy Google Classroom page for helpful tips and resources and come pick up a prep booklet in room 108. Head to room 202 after school today for some extra help if you need it. You've got this Lancers!
Attention all UCC choir members, practice is cancelled tonight see you next Tuesday!
Thanks to everyone who brought in soap for people in need, thank you for your generosity in supporting Canadian Food for Children! We have surpassed our Lenten Soap Goal! Way to go Lancers, our goal was 1500 items of soap and we collected 1556 items! Marvelous effort!
Attention all graduating students: graduation on June 28 is fast approaching! Have you paid your grad fee yet? If you plan to attend graduation you must pay the grad fee at by this Friday March 31st - don’t delay, pay your fee today!
There will be a wellness team meeting in room 201 Thursday after school. Hope to see you there!
UCC United Alliance has taken the initiative to dedicate this week to International Women's Day! Throughout this week you will hear inspiring announcements, see posters around the school and be educated on all the great women in our lives!
Attention all graduating students with a parent, stepparent, grandparent or step grandparent who is, or has been employed with the Chatham-Kent Fire Services, Chatham-Kent Police Services or Chatham-Kent EMS Paramedics. Eligible students must be entering college or university and be graduating in their 4th year. Please see the grade 12 guidance group in EDSBY for more information.
Today kicks off our week of celebrating International Women's Day. Have you ever heard of Farah Alibay? Farah Alibay is from a small town in Quebec. At the young age of 8 she fell in love with space exploration while watching Apollo 13. Later in life she decided to study Aerospace Engineering at the University of Cambridge and also entered a career of Systems Engineer for NASA! She also finished her masters degree from the NASA Academy and earned her PHD in systems engineering at MIT and continued to intern at NASA until she landed her full time position. A quote from Alibay "I grew up in a small town where working at NASA was unheard of. I worked hard, persevered and eventually made it to where I am today". We hope this Canadian woman inspires you to work your hardest today LANCERS! and don't forget TOMORROW is the start of our grade level challenge in the cafeteria! Bring your positive thoughts and feminine products for donations! Make sure the females in your grade level feel supported and encouraged at UCC!
Are you interested in joining UCC’s track and field team? Come on out TODAY after school to room 602 after school for a mandatory meeting. The track season will be discussed as well as expectations and sign up for the team. All grades and experiences are welcome.
Calling all girl ballplayers! UCC is looking to put together a slow pitch team for the first time. If you are interested, please scan the QR codes posted by the gym doors or the bus entrance near the gym to register.
Attention all rugby boys. Meet in the caf tonight and Thursday. Get changed and be ready to go by 2:30. Newcomers from Grade 9 to 12 are welcome.
Ultimate Practices begin this week on Tues & Wed. Come to 808 with indoor shoes ready to stretch and run and catch. If you still want to sign up talk to Deacon Raymond during your lunch this week. Players, watch Google Classroom each morning for practice locations.
Sign up for the Ultimate Frisbee Team using the QR code on the gym doors or by seeing Deacon Raymond in the Comm Tech Room 808 this week. Practices will be once a week so that you can still play another sport. Ultimate is non contact and only Co-Ed.
Anyone interested in trying out for Senior Girls Soccer, please find the QR code posted in the halls near the gym to complete the Google form. We'll hope to start next Monday April 3rd. See Ms. Mommersteeg with any questions or concerns.