Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Wednesday, March 29th, 2023

Today is the day! A great day to show your support to the female population of UCC! Head to the cafeteria on your lunch and look for the heart poster. UCC United Alliance will be there waiting. Grab a piece of paper and write the name of or a message about a female that inspires you or has made a difference in your life or a message to lift up and support all females! Make sure the females in your grade level feel supported! GO LANCERS!

Grad Picture Retakes - 1 day only! April 14th. Book your appointment online by going to www.bookmygrad.ca, choose "Book in School", use school code "UCT - Ursuline College".

There will be a wellness team meeting in room 201 Thursday after school. Hope to see you there!

TODAY's INSPIRING WOMAN OF THE DAY: Did you know voting hasn't always been an equal platform in Ontario. Ontario became the fifth province to allow women to vote and hold public office in August of 1917. This achievement was created by hard work from the Women's Suffrage movement beginning in the 1870’s and the Famous Five, especially Nellie McClung who started the petition. Although we have come a long way through history, women working part-time or full time are still paid only 89 cents of the dollar a man makes. Reflect on what we can do to advance equality for the future, Lancers!

Anyone interested in trying out for Senior Girls Soccer, please find the QR code posted in the halls near the gym to complete the Google form. We'll hope to start next Monday April 3rd. See Ms. Mommersteeg with any questions or concerns.

Ultimate Practices begin this week on Tues & Wed. Come to 808 with indoor shoes ready to stretch and run and catch. If you still want to sign up talk to Deacon Raymond during your lunch this week. Players, watch Google Classroom each morning for practice locations.

Boys interested in trying out for senior soccer are asked to sign up using the QR codes posted around the schools. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Kalp or Mr. Wright & listen to announcements for further details on the season.

Calling all girl ballplayers! UCC is looking to put together a slo-pitch team for the first time. If you are interested, please scan the QR codes posted by the gym doors or the bus entrance near the gym to register.

Congratulations to the senior badminton team on their fantastic efforts in last night's ESPC Invitational tournament. Honourable mentions go out to our boy's doubles teams of 'brother duos' of Kurt and Jack C, and Nico and Sebastian M who finished second and third. Our girl's doubles teams of 'Wonder Twins' Julia and Victoria C, and Leah J and Livia K finished second and third, Aiden A finished third in boys singles, and Spencer R and Mary B finished third in mixed doubles. Way to go team! See you at practice at 2:30 today!

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