Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Monday, June 19th, 2023

Attention Gr 12 Graduates. We are still in need of your support. Graduates who do not plan to return to UCC in September are asked to donate their Lancer Uniform items back to the school. In exchange, Ms. Harnarine will approve up to 2 dress down days for those who bring in multiple uniform items. Please drop off your Lancer Uniforms this Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday to Ms. Beselaere in room 104 to receive your Uniform Exchange Dress Down Days. Put your uniforms to good use. Donate them!

IMPORTANT LUNCH SCHEDULE CHANGE: Due to the grade 9 EQAO assessment in math, Grades 9 and 10 will switch lunches today. Grade 10s will have second lunch and grade 9s will have third lunch.

Reminder to all United Alliance Members: today after school is our final wrap up meeting. Come to room 919 to celebrate our first year as a group!

Good morning Grads! Tickets to graduation have been distributed to your period 1 classes. If you did not receive tickets and were expecting them you likely owe volunteer hours or your exit form to the guidance office - please check in with Ms. Staal in the guidance office to determine what you may still owe. If you are on spare, at co-op or doing e-learning during period 1 you can pick up your tickets from the guidance office before or after school or on your lunch. If you were absent when tickets were distributed, your tickets are also in guidance. Please note that the theatre is at MAX capacity so we cannot provide extra tickets to graduation.

Just a reminder that grads are expected to be at Dress Rehearsal on June 28th at 1 PM – this will be at the Capitol Theatre and from there you will receive final details for grad as well as your gown.

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