If you are in need of volunteer hours then come out this Thursday, Friday or Saturday and help at the Knights of Columbus Food Drive...see Mr. Culverwell in room 103 for more details.
Anyone still interested in attending the Chatham Kent Health Alliance presentation, period 1 this Wednesday in the theatre are asked to sign up ASAP outside the guidance office or outside room 909 in the science department.
Attention to any student or staff who missed out on buying a yearbook: you are in luck!!! You have one FINAL week to purchase a yearbook. If you were put on a waiting list, this is your chance to buy one. Friday is the last day to make that purchase. Your have 5 days ONLY to go to school cash online to buy your copy! Buy your YEARBOOK today - don't wait any longer!
Today is the day! Auditions for the talent show are today in the theatre on your lunch. Sign up and see you in the theatre. Show us your stuff!
There is a reason they call it ULTIMATE. Ultimate Frisbee is signing up players now. This is non-contact, Co-ed sport is open to participating athletes and one who want to be outdoors, get some exercise and compete against other schools in tournaments. We will practice a few nights after school before tournament dates. Same number of guys and girls on field. No previous skills are needed to be a team player and contribute to the UCC point count. Everything will be taught. Sign up with the QR Codes to join on the posters in the school and plan to meet during your lunch in 808 this Thursday to see what our team will look like.
Thursday night, our junior badminton team competed in LKSSAA.
The team did absolutely amazing and battled hard all the way till the end!
Finishing eighth place in girls singles was Lily D.!
The remaining players have qualified for SOSSWA that takes place this Thursday!!
Finishing sixth place in boy singles, was Sawyer F.
Finishing fourth place in boy singles, was Elliot C.
Finishing third place in mixed doubles, were Ethan M., and Ella S.
Finishing second place in girls singles, was Jocalin H.
Finishing second place in girls doubles, were Gisele D., and Mercy W.
Finishing second place in mixed doubles, were Chase P., and Emma R.
Finishing second place in boys doubles, were Dacian P.-V., and Gibby D.
We have some LKSSAA champions in boys, doubles being Tiago R., and Jackson L.
The junior badminton team is also the team LKSSAA CHAMPIONS!!!
Way to go team!!
Reminder that tomorrow is a dress down day. Don’t forget to bring $2 if you haven’t paid online!
Attention all SHSM Health and Wellness students and those students who have signed up for the CKHA presentation. Please report to your class for attendance, leave your bags and then proceed to the theatre following announcements.