Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Tuesday November 13, 2018

Volunteers are needed to help run an afternoon event at St. Paul's Church on Park Ave West.  The day is Saturday, December 1st, for only a couple of hours 3:30-5:30pm.  For more information, contact Shelley at 519-784-0891 (Read only Wednesdays until Dec 5

Volunteers are needed to help with the Chatham Christmas Parade next Friday. If you're interested in helping out call Connie at 359 - 9261 or see Mr.Matteis in Guidance. (15)

The Canadian Education Exchange Foundation offers a three-month student exchange program to France, Germany, Italy or Spain and a summer exchange program to France or Spain. Students must be 14 to 17 years old to participate. Please see Mr. Estoesta in Guidance for more information. (13)

"All Arts & Culture SHSM students please check your email for an important announcement." (14)

Games Club running Wednesday 2:30-4:00 in room 103. Come and see what we are all about! (14)

Yearbook Club will meet this Wednesday. (13)

Our school is looking funky today! Tomorrow is spirit wear day! Uniform pants with a spirit day shirt. Lets see your spirit! Also, the grade 12’s are currently in the LEAD!!! (13)

There will be a ME to WE meeting this Wednesday after school in room 106. See you there! (13)

Popcorn will not be sold on Tuesday. Please make sure you stop by the popcorn stand on Thursday! (13)

Congratulation to the Jr Girls basketball team who played an amazing game Saturday, defeating a talented well coached St Pat’s Sarnia Team for the LKSAA Championship. The girls used their defensive speed and energy to take an early 15 point lead in the game. St. Pat’s had a second half comeback using the BIG forwards to get within four points. It took back to back three pointers from Adele Culverwell and Marissa Beselaere to open the lead back to 10 points. The girls never looked back winning the game 58-45. Come out tonight at 5:30 at UCC to support your Jr Girls in the SWOSSA final vs Massey Secondary from Windsor. (19)

Reminder that there will be a girls Hockey Try-out at 2:45 at Memorial arena on Wednesday. Please arrange for rides to and from the arena. Girls will be dismissed from the Pd 4 classes at 2:00 tomorrow. (13)

Looking to join a brand new UCC club? The French Department is putting together a French Club that you won’t want to miss! All students are welcome, whether you are currently taking a French class or not. Both core and immersion students are welcome! Come to a 5 minute information meeting this Thursday at the beginning of lunch, room 208 for Grades 11 and 12 students, room 209 for Grades 9 and 10 students. Don’t miss this great opportunity! (14)

If you are interested in contributing to our school's diversity, compassion, and inclusivity than consider joining the Rainbow Alliance Club. The first meeting will be held in room 104, next Monday, during both lunches. We hope to see you there! (16)

Looking to get volunteer hours, Mr. Phaneuf needs 10 students to help out with this Friday and next Friday's elementary volleyball tournaments.  Please see him in room 604 if interested...FREE PIZZA for all volunteers   (23)

All Grade 9 and 10 girls who are interested in trying out for the Junior Girls Volleyball Team, tryouts start this Thursday at 2:30! If you have any questions, see Miss Chacon in the Math office. (13)

Just a reminder to all grade 10 to 12 students that everyone will be taking first lunch on Wednesday as we have our grade 8's coming in for a visit while our grade 9's are off enjoying "Take Your Kid to Work" day. (14)

Hey Lancers!! This year’s semi is taking place on November 30th from 7:30-11 at the retro suites. Tickets are on-sale for $20 ONLINE ONLY!! Tickets are selling FAST, and are only on sale for three more days, so grab yours today! Hope to see everyone there!! (14)

To the member of our Indigenous leadership group. If you have not picked up a permission form from Mr. Mallette please go to room 603 right now to collect. (13)

Cafeteria Special

Southern Chicken Bowl – drumstick, corn, mashed potatoes & Gravy with         Salad or Cookie $6.00

                    Add a Small Drink $1.00 extra

2 Chicken Drumsticks with Fries, or Salad or Cookie $6.00

Chicken Drumsticks $1.75 each

Hamburgers 2/$5.00  or $2.90 each

Chicken Burgers $4.20

Overnight Oats $1.00

Salads, Sandwiches, Cookies & Muffins

PieZano’s Pizza 3.60/slice or 2 for 6.40 with Jet Juice

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