Ursuline College Chatham

85 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario N7L 1B6

Phone: 519-351-2987 Fax: 519-351-0283

Wednesday November 21, 2018

Volunteers are needed to help run an afternoon event at St. Paul's Church on Park Ave West.  The day is Saturday, December 1st, for only a couple of hours 3:30-5:30pm.  For more information, contact Shelley at 519-784-0891 (Read only Wednesdays until Dec 5

Looking to get volunteer hours, Mr. Phaneuf needs 10 students to help out with this Friday and next Friday's elementary volleyball tournaments.  Please see him in room 604 if interested...FREE PIZZA for all volunteers (23)

Attention all graduating students! Please book your grad photos as soon as possible! Go to www.prestigeportraits.ca to book your time. Grad photos will be taken the week of November 26th thru to November 30th. That's 1 week only! Book your appointment today! (22)

Also if you are a GRAD yearbook wants your baby picture and a quote. Please drop them off at the office with your picture and quote clearly labelled with your name! Thank you! (22)

Attention to all technology lovers! The world is in peril. We need YOU to bring in all of your used batteries! WE need your AAA and AA, C, D batteries. Also batteries from phones, hearing aids, watches and power tools. Don't let the world suffer by the release of heavy metals. Stop by at the Bazinga battery depot right in front of the greenhouse and drop off your dead batteries. If you would like to help out more, new members are always welcome at Environmental Club! Environmental Club meets every Thursday in the Greenhouse. (23)

A huge thank you to all the girls that tried out for the Junior Girls Volleyball Team!  Practice tonight from 2:30-4.  See Miss Chacon in the math office if you have any questions. (21)

The Jr. Boys football team celebrated another undefeated season as they won their 4th consecutive title last night- this time winning the Windsor Essex Triple A title when they defeated Holy Names 43-22 at The University of Windsor stadium.The team was lead offensively by Tyler Shumanski who scored 3 touchdowns, Darion Bacik-Hadden who scored twice. On defence Logan Stefina lead the way with 8 tackles and it was Aleks Sekerak who's fumble recovery for a touchdown helped secure the historic victory. Mr. O'Brien would like to thank all of the U.C.C. staff would made the trip to Windsor last night, braving the cold to support the team. Go Blue! (21)

Me to we meeting today after school.  See you there! (21)

All cast and crew members involved in the Charlie Brown Christmas in Muskoka play are reminded that every rehearsal from here on out is completely mandatory.  Please arrive on time and make arrangements to stay until the end of each rehearsal. (30)

Cafeteria Special

Chicken Quesadilla, sour crème, salsa with Salad or Fries or Cookie $6.00

                    Add a Small Drink $1.00 extra

Hamburgers 2/$5.00  or $2.90 each

Chicken Burgers $4.20

Overnight Oats $1.00

Salads, Sandwiches, Cookies & Muffins

PieZano’s Pizza 3.60/slice or 2 for 6.40 with Jet Juice

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