There are still an outstanding number of Student Data Sheets that have not been returned. Please return them this week in the main office.
If you have lost your prescription eye glasses, we have a number of them in the main office please come and see if they are yours.
Queen's University's Summer Enrichment Experience is an opportunity for students in Grades 9-12 to take a one-week course while experiencing university life. There are courses offered in creative writing, engineering, law, biology, chemistry, physics, kinesiology and biomedical science. For more information, see Mr. Estoesta in Guidance. (4)
Have you checked out the new on-online spirit wear store? There are lots of great styles and so many options! Check out Order soon if you want your new gear in time for Christmas! (M-W-F)
UCC spirit wear is now on-line! Visit our new online store for a great selection of new spirit wear. Remember to let your parents know too about our new on-online store. (T-T)
The TUCC shop will be open this Thursday before school and during lunches. We have lots of T-shirts, a few sweatshirts, Lancer backpacks and winter toques. Looking for something for your little sister or brother for Christmas? Pick up a future lancer youth hoodie! Debit is available. (6)
The school public health nurse will be in guidance today from 9-1pm (04)
Yearbook club will meet tonight right after school. Grads please bring in your baby photos and quotes by the end of next week to ensure they are included in the yearbook! (4)
Good luck to the UCC Girls Ice Hockey team as they compete in the CCH Ladies Crusader Cup today in London! Go Lancers!!!! (4)
Dance Team tryouts take place today in the dance at 2:30. (4)
Hey Lancers, it's getting close to that time of year…..Christmas!!!
What's not better than celebrating Christmas with a school wide Secret Santa?
Just yesterday you had some Leadership students came around with a paper to your third period class, containing the information for this event as well as the class you were given.
We’re going to challenge all you Lancers to come up with ideas this week, and to start giving clues to your given class over the next two weeks. Have fun, and spread some Christmas spirit!!! (04)
Cafeteria Special
Southern Chicken Bowl-drumstick, corn and mashed potatoes with Salad or Cookie $6.00
Add a small drink for $1.00 extra
2 drumsticks with Fries, Salad or Cookie $6.00
Hamburgers 2/$5.00 or $2.90 each
Chicken Burgers $4.20
Salads, Sandwiches, Cookies & Muffins
PieZano’s Pizza 3.60/slice or 2 for 6.40 with Jet Juice