Reminder to all staff and students that this Friday our Grade 12's will celebrate their Grad Day. On Friday, Grade 9's, 10's and 11's will take first lunch. Grade 12's will have a catered event in the caf during second lunch.
Attention graduating students. If you have been involved in school clubs, teams or service activities, and have maintained a good academic standing, you are invited to apply for the Lancer Award. This award recognizes your contributions to UCC over the last 4 years. Time is running out, so pick up your applications today! Applications may be picked up from Ms. Milligan in room 601, or in the guidance office.
There is still time to sign up for the 2nd Annual Hack UCC Hackathon on May 25th. Come out and code for fun and free food. All coding experience levels are welcome. See Mr. Devet or Mrs. Torrance for more information.
The weight room will be closed Thursday after school.
Attention all Lancers for Life! There will be a meeting tomorrow after school in room 501. Hoping to see you all there, and as well new faces are ALWAYS welcome.
Do you have a paid summer job and would like get ahead on your credits or have not been successful and need a few? Summer co-op may be the answer! If interested please see Ms. Goodal in room 106 for information and an application form.
We have soared to new heights this year and would like to celebrate on June 6th! Calling all musicians, artists, actors and actresses! Get your ticket for the arts banquet through cash online. Doors will open at 5:30 and dinner will be at 6pm - tickets are $15.
Cafeteria Special
Fish fillet with salad or fries or a cookie $6.00
Hamburger $2.90 or 2/$5.00
Poutine $4.75
Salads, Sandwiches, Cookies & Muffins
PieZano’s Pizza $3.60/slice or 2 for $6.40 with Jet Juice